Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday Septemeber 2 1010

Yesterday I came back to the apartment and cooked a great food.

Cooking simple: Skinless boneless turkey breast.

Lightly seasoned with spices. Cooked in the oven for 20 minutes and finally broiled for 5 minutes.
I did not feel adding more to it, so I prepared a simple and easy food.

As usual after cooking I  went to the gym. The gym is my outlet and my place where I can truly stay tuned on my inner self. 

Over there I am taking classes everyday except  for my individual work out on Sunday.
I love my individual work out. I tuned it carefully lessening the ones around me.
I am happy with it. Every time I am pushing it a bit longer or harder.

I  had  body pump day with Ellie.

 She is the lady at my right hand side. Of course I had my black gloves to work out.

The  gym is my outlet and place to find people for me to be happy and at peace.

It is a great escape for everyday.

I am looking forward every day to go over there.

I worked hard on my movement and strength.

I am trying to bend my legs more and more while keeping my equilibrium.

It is hard still for me to bend my knees while having some light weight on my shoulder.

At least I am trying to do it.

After body pump with Ellie we had Zumba with Mike,

At the Zumba class I greeted Maria, Dee, Caroline who normally leads Zumba on Friday.

This is an old picture with Caroline.

It was a great evening meeting  every body over there.

My coverage was done by David.

David is a relatively new trainee. He was a bit unsure of what he was supposed to do, so I reminded him of a  few points
1) use of  the van's radio to tell my position  when the van leaves CNS and reaches the gym.

2) Coverage location at the gym: it is waiting at the entrance  where there is a waiting area.

3) As the position of an NRS is to wait  outside the room where I am having my class and possibly not entering the room where I am having my class. 

4) As I am independent I know the time I am supposed to leave the gym which is normally at 7pm.

I decided to cut short  my class by 10 minutes.  The reason is that David was anxious over his duty  and I did not appreciated his anxiety yesterday.

Afterward I went back to my apartment 623 and got my evening shower. A final snack.

I called home Chicco and Lapo had their piano lesson.
I briefly chatted with Chicco who was reading while Lapo the youngest was playing.

My night meds: Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone.

The Divalproex is to set my brain in a positive way as  a mood stabilizer.

the Melatonine and Trazodone are for my sleep.

I slept really well and at 5:30am I woke up naturally.

I am unable to stay in bed past a certain time. 
Once I am awaken I have to start going.

I like to start my day early.

I called home and greeted Chicco and Lapo a good day. They were eating bread with Nutella.

I had a wonderful night. 

 In the morning I had Money management. Today it is my day for turning in my receipt.

As Simona was here during the weekend I did not spend much outing money for the movie nor for the snack.

We went to see the movie Minion with the boys ( La Triba, Parami)

The boys liked it very much. Lapo enjoyed and Chicco went along  with us.

Simona did her bests to cheer up the crowd for the movie. She such a wonderful person.

As usual I spent all my grocery. 

CNS gives me the following amount of money: 

1)$75 every two week.

I am always spending around $90 plus.

I like to eat well and grocery shopping at Trader Joe's is a great way to spend my Saturday morning.

2) 24$ for outing. This includes movie ticket, snack and for me charity at church.

This morning I snapped this picture at the reception. I am holding  Lorentz's level. 
It is shows that I am at level today.

Lorentz is a very nice person always full of energy and in my opinion very witty.
I enjoy very much taking with him.

 I went to do my physical exercise in the park, I love starting my day my walking around the park.

Today lyrics is by Carducci  S. Martino

tra le rossastre nubi [8]
stormi d'uccelli neri,
com'esuli [9] pensieri,
nel vespero [10] migrar.

I had my wonderful breakfast while lessening to NPR.

Today it is a notable date.
Seventy years ago WWII ended.
The world stopped a destructive phase and started to rebuild itself.

Apparently this date passed by unnoticed at  CNS. 
It is OK, not everybody is aware of the world around them.

Enjoy the reading.. 
Remember being stuck at CNS  priceless .. 
Similis cum Similibus Solvitur.. if you do not understand this motto in Latin.. 
well it is not my problem. You had the chance of get cultivated at the time perhaps you should have chosen a different route.

Enjoy the reading.. as I have enjoyed myself writing it.

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