Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1 Tuesday

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment and prepared myself a really great dinner.

I  baked Tilapia fish.  

First I breaded the Tilapia fillet  with bread crumbs, parsley, olive oil and garlic.

I cooked it for 20 minutes in the oven. I  broiled it for a few minute to brown it at the top. I  then prepared a healthy salad.

In the salad  tiny tomatoes, Arugula, green apple, cucumber and carrot.
Olive Oil with Balsamic blaze for dressing.

I then went to the gym. I had Yoga with Erica

A great work out, I feel I need to get stronger and better. My balance is improving, yet I am far from being at my optimum. Yet I am trying my very best. Yoga is getting hard and I like that Erica is making it more diverse with different mussels group involved,

Jordan came to the gym to do my coverage.

Roses are beautiful flowers..Better kept in the stem than picked.

Can you feel the air of September?

This reminds me of a poem by D'Annunzio.

"Settembre e' tempo di migrar"

My wife Simona is fine, she brought our kiddos to school this morning. They start at 8 am.
I talked to her while she was stopping by at the usual Starbucks coffe.

She mentioned today she is working on a presentation at Caltech.

She is very busy and she is always keeping up with her very demanding job.

In our family we all make sure Simona is well and is able to work at her bests.

My really healthy breakfast is here depicted. Always by lessening to NPR radio 

Of course this morning I  went to have a great morning with Chaney and Caesar.

A quick selphie with a smiling face. Isn't a great picture?

Meditation with Matt is next.

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