Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Feb 1 2016

The park this morning is beautiful and relaxing. The green of the grass goes well with blue of the sky.

Our roots are strong and are able to endure any kind of weather.

Simona has the strongest roots ever. She is the tallest of all.

Today Chicco left on a school trip and he went to Philadelphia. I will be there for a whole week.

Simona took him to school very early and from there the whole class went to the airport at LAX.

Chicco is well and ready for his  trip to Philly. Historical town: liberty bell, declaration of independence  etc.

Lapo our youngest will  adjust to Chicco's absence. He has his activities set for the week: Taekwondo, Piano, homework, tennis .. he is well organized.

As usual I had a very fulfilling weekend.

Last Sunday I went to church as S. Philips the Apostle.

At Church I met Cassie with her grand ma.

She approached me and greeted me saying " Hi Joseph."

I believe it is a  kind gesture of her.

Over the weekend we had a lot of rain. I used the rain boots Simona sent me.

After church I had a light lunch.
I  took the boot with me to the gym where I changed into my gym shoes.

At the gym I met Andrew and he greeted me warmly.
He is a good friend of Starla. 

At  the gym I did 4 miles on the stair master in 46 minutes.

I took my weight. It is 182.8 lb

The Stair master is the perfect tool for me and for improving my walking abilities.

I remember I used to run a lot before .., And I am determined to get back to it.

Simona's smile follows me everywhere., 

last Saturday morning I  took care of of the apartment cleaning duties.
I washed everything: changed my bedding,  took care of all my sport attire, washed my bathrobe and my towels as well as my apron for cooking.

I am keeping all my clothes and my personal items as cleaning as possible.

went to to grocery shopping at Trader's Joe.

I had a lot of fun as usual. I picked up all healthy food. I focused on my list. 

This time I did not purchase anything but one that was not on my list.

I greeted Jamie and enjoyed my shopping.

I got stickers, recycle bags and  a lot of fun.

I managed to limit my bill at   $86.45 

Again with Jamie say "Deuce".

Jamie is always happy to see me over there. She is happy. We talked about each other families.
We talked about Chicco's school trip to Philly.

I also managed to buy the coffee powder for my cuccuma coffee maker.

I normally take a coffee with my morning breakfast not much.

The flowers below are for Simona my wife. I snapped these picture near the Swain Center.

After Grocery Shopping I went to Jesus's office. He is  my IPC.

Next Tuesday I really needs to go to Personal Shopping tomorrow at 5:45pm

I am going  at Walmart no more than once a month, as I prefer going to the gym instead.

Her is the list I provided to Jesus.

During my day I cooked. I prepared a vegetable broth.  I diced all the veggies in bowls.

I used lentils as well.

I made a healthy vegetable soup. 

While the soup was cooking I spent time writing to my family.. it is called THP Therapeutic Home Program)

As usually in block letter and English as my eldest son Chicco reads English only.

I am typically writing to my family: To Chicco, to our youngest Lapo and to Simona.

Lapo does not reads my letters yet. When he will be a bit older he has a lot to read.

Chicco is 10 while Lapo is 6.5 years old.

Different ages, different interests.

Here is my vegetable broth.

 I cooked separately the Orzo Pasta so that it does not get soggy with the broth.

In the afternoon I went to see a movie I enjoyed a lot.

The move title is "The finest hours" : a story of courage, determination and strength.

As usual I met Inez at my right hand side. She is always happy to see me at the Maya Theater.

At the movie I had dibs and ice tea. No soda nor juice for me, only water or tea.

Here is the poster for the movie" The finest hours"

In the movie the female lead character  strongly believes that Bernie her loved one will do whatever it takes to come back alive to her.. And in fact it is so.

She is as strong as my Wife Simona.

Last Friday I went to the gym and enjoyed my Zumba with Caroline.
She is the lad at my right hand side with the hat. In between me and Caroline you see Zira. 
Next to me is Rachael. Next to Rachael at the left hand side is Salve.

All people of the community that are patiently taking pictures with me.

This is a "deuces picture"

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