Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday August 15 2014

Let me start the day by saying that today our son Chicco turns 9 years old. So let me formally wish him a happy Birthday. He called me this morning while I was getting ready for work to let me know that he was happy to be 9.

So today you are formally nine years old!!!!

Let me rewind to yesterday activities. 
What I had for dinner is  something really healthy. A nice salad with burrata spinach and beans.
Always with both Simona - my wife -and Sara  my Case Manager at my desk.

Speaking about Sarah she out of the office right now on a family vacation. She promised to bring me a nice present from her vacation. I know she is going to do, she always remember to bring me something. 

Yesterday evening I later   went to the 24 fitness gym  on 4302 Gosford Road where I have enjoyed myself.
I did a Zumba class with Mike. Over there I snapped a picture with Drasdee. It is the picture shown below. I was happy to see her at the gym she is always a very positive person with me. This time the gym was packed and the room was full so I stayed on the back in order to avoid to spark any adverse reaction from the local customers like the last time I went there. Well I am learning to stay out of trouble and learning the way to let everybody be the way they prefer to be. And I am always me...

 You see I am learning my way to stay out of trouble and to avoid the local negative people. So I am focusing on the positive ones. And Drashdee is very positive with me so she deserved my thumb up for her graceful smile.

After the Zumba class I did some light weight, many repetitions with light weight is better than loading a lot and risking to hurt myself. And in fact today I am fine, nothing that hurt.

At the gym I have  greeted  Tucker and snapped a goofy picture together. Tucker is the girl next to me wearing a red T-shirt.
Here we are  having a good time together. The key is to have good time where ever we are, and I am having a lot of fun. I work hard during the day  and at the gym I always have fun with the people in the community.

Also at the gym I greeted Carlos who came back after a short vacation.

Here at the center I started working on my CR. I worked with Erica-sama. I just asked Erica if she is OK to mention her name on my personal blog. She reminded me to spell her name with a C rather with a K.
So here it is Erica you are welcome. During my CR session I did Situation Reasoning level 9. And I have got 100%. Next week I will try level 10.
As I am reporting my activity my breakfast is also recorded for my amusement and record.

he breakfast has been with Simona picture on my table together with Sarah my Case Manager at  CNS.
I miss the both of them. Simona I am going to see you tomorrow and Sara I will see you on Monday when you are back from your vacation time.

Our Kids are growing happy and healthy. As mentioned to you on a different posting  Chicco is now in IV grade and as a male teacher. Lapo is in Kindergarten and has two teachers. He mentioned to me that he has not decided yet which one he prefers best. You see Lapo is always Lapo. He is one of a kind in his doing.
I love him a s much as Chicco. It has been difficult for him  to open up to me. I got injured 3.5 years ago and he saw his little world turned upside down.  With the normal priority of life changing on a daily basis. 
Simona my wife is doing her best to keep the family in as much stable as possible situation. She is doing her best as I am trying to do my best always. 
Alright enjoy the reading I need to go.
Have a great day everybody.

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