Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday August 23 2014

Alright, today is a day off from Work.

Let me rewind my memory tape to yesterday. I had a lot of fun by going to the gym.
Over there I met Larry and Janice they are two good friends of mine,

While at the gym I met . Shane. Shane is the guy standing next to me without the hat.
Shane mentioned that his girlfrriend Nicole is fine and teaching at school.

Shane now works at a center for autistic children, so he is not with CNS any longer.
Here is me showing my mood while leaving the gym. Being active makes me feel strong and positive. 

Today is a day off from work, so I took care of the usual activities of the weekend. Taking care of my house first of all, cleaning and washing all my clothes.. as usual pairing my socks appear to be the longest activity of the day. But I managed to do it on time ..

Afterward I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. The healthy and organic food store I like very much.
Over there I greeted all my friends, in particular I greeted Jamie pictured here with me with an Hawaiian shirt.
I brought flowers to Jamie, Lisa and Kanvas. They might think I am nut but to tell the truth a gesture of kindness goes a long way in life.  In return they are having fun with me by allowing me to snap funny picture with them. It is a routine that I normally do whenever I am there.

At the store today there was an appreciation day so while there I took the chance of eating a couple of hot dog. Kanvas was kind enough to manning the stand outside the shop.

My usual routine over there is  among having a lot of fun and  greeting everybody is to retrieve as much as possible by myself. As I am bringing the Trader Joe's bag Simona's phone number is entered for the raffle, it is a nice way to do recycling. After that I have collected stickers for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of my Case Manager at CNS. My Case Manager Sarah is a wonderful person full of attention for everybody and for me as well. 
So the stickers for Ian are shown here:

I will give it to Sarah on Monday when I will be at the center. On Monday I will be a bit of late as I have a doctor op ointment before hand.

Well as usual Grocery shopping is always fan for me. Today I spent $86 and a few cents. Well I had $75 available to I went over by $ 11 .. What is done is done. Clearly I had no room to by any beverage..
It is all good.
I think I need to check on my sons. Alright, they are both at home. Simona was at home. They all went this morning to taekwon do as Tennis is over and will start in September again.
Lapo was playing at home, while Chicco was working on a research project for school.
They are all well. I was right, not to wake up them today as they were sleeping. 

Today I am going to catch a movie.
This is the poster ad. It is supposed to be a funny and entertaining movie.

I need a bit of a distraction, it is the weekend for everybody.. don't you agree with me?

Well to tell you the true I have always find some fun in every place I go.   The only place that I consider to be a serious place is church. Over there people go to pray and to stay close to their believe system. So I think that on Sunday a  church is a very different kind of fun; it is a spiritual vacation and a spiritual elevation. Beside the priest at church are always full of good recommendations and  good proposals for us. I like going to the local church. It is always  the S. Francis church in Bakersfield.
Alright, enjoy the reading, as I did my best in describing my little adventure.
Well, my hope for the weekend? 
Well let's start from what I know it is certain. I know my family is well, our bambini are busy at home with Simona. I know I did all my best for enjoying my Saturday. I know that Michael, Dusting and Sarah are doing their best to get along during their weekend. 
I hope that Dustin has finally decided to have a hair cut this weekend.
But then, there is always another weekend available after this one.. more hair in the cutting? 
Well I am sure Dustin will not look good without any hair left.
So we will see what the weekend brings to us.
In the meantime. 
Enjoy your reading.

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