Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday August 1, 2014

let's go back to yesterday. After the clinic I went home and in the Afternoon. I cleaned the apartment. In my opinion it is a fair distribution of work, as Levi keeps telling me to come here at 4 am to help him out. I normally call a taxi that early but it never shows up at that time.I think that  Levi at the clinic can handle the early shift at 4 am in the morning.  At 4 pm in the afternoon at the apartment I can handle the later shift. I think it is a good distribution of work.

Yesterday I went to dance Zumba at the 24 fitness  gym. Over there I met a lot of nice people:

Drashee here pictured next to me without a hat all smiling and being her. She is a good friend of mine. She told me she did not come for a while as she got injured on her back while working out. Now she is back in full force.

I also greeted Gloria, Maria and Susan.

At the gym I have also met Wayne, pictured below:

He is a funny and positive guy. He mentioned that recently his wife passed away and as a result he has lost a lot of weight. He mentioned he is  doing fine and staying positive. He is a real friend and good person, I am convinced that God is looking after him and his family.

today I wake up early as usual and did everything to help out the CNS, in exchange Doug has made me a nice present in the form of a big bag of recyclable. Here below is the picture of me together with the  bag:  the picture was taken by Daniel who did my coverage this morning. Whenever I have coverage in my apartment I always offer something to the NRS, it is up to them to decide what to do. It is a nice gesture to show my appreciation. Actually I know that the rule is no sharing with the patients, but anyway I offer them something to eat or drink. I always offer them the choice between coffee or beer.. somehow I can never find the latter malt beverage. It is probably better that way! I am sure Sara will approve it!

Here is my big bag of recyclable from Doug.
In the morning I watered my flower plants as usual. In the second vase on the top I planted some new flowers. The flowers are for Simona. So this gives her some more time  until the next time she has a bit of energy to come to visit me.

This morning my breakfast has been really good and satisfying as usual.
With my family in front is always a good way to start my day.

I was prepared for my RT today, I run at the clinic. In fact, Darlene is letting me know in advance on whether I would like to go with the other patients to do RT in the community, and since she knows that I like running she allows me to stay in the clinic and to run. We agree it in advanced and we are all cool!.

This morning I worked on my CNS blog with Michelle. I keep a blog for CNS regarding a current event, a local news a feeling good news.
Well it is blog I maintain for the clinic.

As this morning I had a few stickers with me  (stickers from Trader Joe's)  so I have distributed them in the following way: some stickers to Jemena her daughters  Sophia and Camilla. I gave half to Sarah my Case Manager for her youngest son Ian. I normally bring stickers to Ian on Monday as I collected the new stickers on Saturday (tomorrow) when I do grocery shopping. 
I know that Sara is counting on it, and it is a good memory task for me.

Anyway enjoy the reading, I will be in touch with you soon!

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