Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday August 14 2014

yesterday evening I have prepared a very delicious chicken Salad pasta so that I mixed healthy and nutritious food. As always Simona has been helping me with my cooking. 

I was expecting her for dinner, she told me she was so busy that she could not make it. So I went ahead and had dinner with her and Sarah my Case Manager. I feel very lucky as they both are in my life.

At home I have prepared a very positive and good letter  for Chicco and Lapo  in block letters and in English. For Lapo as he does not read long letter I have prepared a simple drawing with a few words that are easy for him to read.

I normally write to our children as I like to feel connected to them anyway.
I then I went to the 24 fitness gym to do cycle with Angie. Angie is the person with the red bandanna and shorts standing on my left next to me. We always take some goofy picture together.Angie is always happy to see me working out and she is doing her bests to make the work out experience a funny and fulfilling experience for the whole class. So  always give two thumb up to her energy and smile.
Outside the gym there was a nice street bike parked. So we snapped another picture pretending it was my bike. Angie was keeping up and happy to be able to help me.

We had a great time and enjoyed very much the class. 
Angie is  a nice person and she is always happy to see me attending her classes.
I am always positive and full of energy. She is always doing her best to entertain us. 
While at the gym I met Janice and Larry, a couple that I normally meet over there.
Also yesterday while leaving I met Wayne pictured her below/

Wayne is doing well, considering that recently his wife passed away. He lost several pounds and he mentioned that he is doing his best to put himself back on track. I wish him the best. I know he can do it. 

This morning I snapped this selphie of me. It says boss, and it clearly is a self boosting moral approach. As the current boss is Simona, my wonderful and awesome wife.

Actually Simona is doing her best in the current situation, my present boss is my wonderful Case Manager Sarah. She is currently on vacation . When she is back she will need to bring back a cork. I am sure she is doing her best as usual to remember it.
Well coming back to my therapy day I worked on my Cognitive Retraining CR  first. I like doing CR as it is PT for the mind (Sara mentioned to me several time). 
The brain is a wonderful organ that needs to be retrained after an injury. Together with my PT I work on my CR. I am working hard and the results are showing up by my achievements.
I am working on CR with higher score and higher level of difficulties.
After CR today I did my PT run. I love running on the treadmill - I run happy to be able to run.

Today I have dedicated my run tomy wife Simona, my mom Marta and my sister Isabella. My case Manager Sarah and generally to all the person that have been cheering for me. To my boss Lester and to all CNS as it his a great place to get better and stronger. 

Coming back to my family tomorrow is a big day for us. Chicco turns 9 years old.

This morning I talked to my wife Simona  she mentioned she was taking our children to school .
Chicco has started IV grade and Lapo has finally started Kindergarten. 
This year Chicco has a male teacher, I think it is going to be a good positive figure for him/
I remember when I was going to elementary school in Italy many years ago, our elementary school teacher was married with another teacher in the same school. Their name was Mezzanini. They were a very nice couple and very nice people. I have very good memory for the both of them.
Well enjoy the reading, and have a great day!
Thank you CNS- Sarah- Simona and everybody else.

Also thank you Lester.

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