Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday August 4 2014

Alright, I am writing to you from the clinic.

Yesterday it was a Sunday and I have been working a lot.
For Instance after writing to my family I have prepared a nice letter for Sarah my Case Manager and stickers for her son Ian. As usual whenever I go to Trader Joe's I grab some stickers for Ian as well. It is a memory task for me and a nice gesture for Sara and her family.

For Simona I sent her this nice picture of me, just to make sure she knows that she is in my heart.

Here is the letter on Sarah' desk as taken this morning at the clinic.

Yesterday I have also been writing to Chicco and to Lapo. During my  weekend I normally write to the both of them. For Chicco a nice letter in English and in block letters and for Lapo some  nice and simple drawings.

Lapo is into Ninja Turtle. He has got the trip from his cousin Matteo in Begio.
He is all over Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo.

At the apartment I have been  cleaning everything and I have also discovered a new feature of my kitchen: which is quite obvious to you but hey I was excited by finding it out and I snapped a picture of it...It is a nice picture and helps a lot in keeping clean my apartment.

On Sunday we also did recycle and I have been helping Kyle to do his work. We had a van full of bags so I went with him ad help him out at my best.
At the recycle center I greeted Michael. He is a nice guy.

This is a picture of the van before unloading: it is a green view of the wiliness to stay green.

After recycle I went to church at 6:30 pm. Were I am going is the S.Francis Church in H street. Here is a picture of the church as seen from outside from the van.

This is another view of the same church.
At church we arrived on time and  it was all good. Ron did run our van which was on time.

At church I have greeted Amparo and Mark, they are singing at church.
I sat in the front row next to a family that I met last time. The lady's name is Coral, she has three nice kids. When it was time for the second offer, as usual I offered to give her kids a few cents so that they could cheap in and feel appreciated. As usual Coral thanked me and she mentioned that we will see each other this incoming Sunday. You see God makes me meet always some good people here in Bakersfield.

My breakfast today has been really healthy as usual together with my family picture in my heart.
Also Sara my Case Manager is on the right hand side clearly standing in front of me.

At the clinic my first therapy has been running: I love running and here is the snapshot of my work:
I did my best and run smoothly and steadily!

Anyway it is time to go..
Enjoy the reading!

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