Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday August 5th

Alright, let's go back to yesterday. It was a Monday. As usual at home I have been cooking, the image here is of my culinary expression. White Basmati Rice with some sired Tilapia, slightly seasoned with lemon zest.

Finally I have prepared a fruit salad, so that I am using the peaches I have at home.

Here is me showing out my  white apron and my culinary skills.

Afterward I hit the 24 fitness gym where I worked out a lot. Strength training  with a lot of repetition and light weight so that have not hurt myself. At the gym I went with Tom who likes to work out like me. He tough me a couple of good way for using the machine. As I normally don't use the machine over there I am learning bit by bit.
My breakfast has been really good as usual, a lot of protein, some carb and some fat.

On the table the 35 mm objective is upside down, to show that it will never be back on its feet for the time being.

I enjoyed my breakfast by myself.. I like having my morning to meditate it is a good way to start my day, as Matt keeps telling us to do.

At the park today I found a  nice surprise: you guess what it is: 
it is worthy of taking a picture.
So here it is for your enjoyment, actually more for mine enjoyment that for yours.

I like collecting recyclable, it is good to recycle. Everybody knows I am recycle and everybody helps me out. Even the Leprechauns is making sure that I have a lot of glass.

I like to pick the recyclable  from the floor only, if it is in the bin or in the trash,I let it there.

At the center I worked at my CR therapy and my score today was 85% like the last time but today my reaction time was 10.25ms compared to 13.05 as last time. A 23% improvement on speed.
Afterward I did yoga with Amy. Amy has two girls: Madison and Olivia. Madison is 5 and Olivia is 8. I normally bring little things for her girls. Today I have brought stickers for Madison. I know that kids like stickers. So it is a perfect gift for them.
Today it is my pay day as well. So you see it is all good.
I am planning today to do a lot things. I will be going to the gym as I don't have anything to buy at Walmart.

Enjoy the reading.

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