Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday August 24

Alright, let's go back to yesterday activities.
I went to the movie theater after taking care of the normal activities of the Saturday.
We saw Let's be cop movie. A nice and entertaining movie about two people impersonating cops. While doing so they get involved in a real cop investigation with hilarious effects. The obvious morale is Try to do at your best what you believe is right. The cavalry is always coming to back you up. So DO THE RIGHT THINGS ALWAYS. :)
Today It is a day off from  the clinic.
Simona is taking care of our kids. She mentioned that Chicco had to do a research project so they spend the morning at home working on his project. In the afternoon they are planning to go to eat an ice cream. Well you see I know my wife and she likes ice cream. She must have found a goood place that she likes. She always find original and authentic place to enjoy life.

My brother Francesco sent me this picture. He has been making Marmellata (Jam) using the fruits from the tree in his garden.

According to the above picture he has enough to go trough a few months. I bet it tastes good.

In the afternoon I  have been doing recycling . It is a nice activity that takes me out of the house  and let Simona take care of our kids homework. In fact while I was out she helped our eldest with his research project (see above)

I did a good action for the environment and helped at my best CNS. I made a few bucks in recycling. Well it is all good, as mentioned to you I have enjoyed doing it.

Later today I will be going to church. It is Sunday and I always go to church on Sunday.
Well I am sure I have forgotten a few details of my day, but the most important aspects have been captured.

As I mentioned to you, I express my gratitude to CNS and to everybody else that is being close to me in this  journey of mine. As I mentioned it is not my journey, it is a family journey.
So let's be grateful to be here to write to you.

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