Saturday, August 9, 2014

Saturday August 9

yesterday I went to the 24fitness gym on Gosford, I danced the Zumba with Honey the instructor.
Over there I met Salvia on my  right  and as well Maria on my far left with her brother Joseph the guy next to me. As usual they are all very pleasant friends. I went over there and Sonny did my coverage.

Today it is a Saturday, so I washed the whole apartment and did the usual house cleaning maintance function of the Saturday morning.
 I snapped this picture with mon amour Simona first of thing this morning.

Afterward at 10:30 am we went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. As I brought the reusable bag Simona's number was entered in the raffle. I also got stickers for Ian, Sara's youngest son. Sara is my Case Manager at CNS and right now she is out of the office on a short vacation with her family. Anyway On Monday I will leave the stickers on her desk.

 The shopping was really fun and amusing as usual. I was able to control my expense down to $79.39 however I had to say that I realized then that I have purchased two set of Ezechiel bread, so it would have been right on target without that extra. What is done is done... (Sarah docet)

At Trader Joe's I had a lot of fun as usual. Everybody greeted my and made sure I had a lot of fun.
Jamie is with a dark blue shirt on my side and  Monica is wearing a light blue shirt and goofing up with me.

As usual I brought a flower from the outside garden to Jamie. This is always part of my routing whenever I go over there. The flowers are from the garden outside as my own flower from my balcony are for Simona only. 
Anyway I had a lot of fun as usual shopping over there. Jamie was kind enough to me to make me snap these pictures next  to the forbidden isle. We know - Jamie knows together  with all the Trader Joe's crew that this is the place where I can only snap funny pictures with everybody.

Jamie being such a funny person mentioned she forgot that today it was supposed to be green T-shirt day. I think next time I am going there I am going to wear Blue as well.

I had a late lunch composed by Gricia  pasta or something similar to it.

The beverage next to it, is a very light beer that tastes really close to some ice tea... it must then be ice tea!
Aren't I a teaser? 
At Trader Joe's  Lisa calls me sweaty, while Jamie calls me Joseph. 
As I am always saying to everybody my wife calls me Amore mio when I am not in trouble with her, otherwise she calls me Giuseppe! then I know I am in trouble with her... 
You see I have learn to capture the breeze of the day.. :)

With my past I had a wonderful and reach salad, the salad would make Steve proud of his teaching.
Steve use to work at CNS - he is the fitness and nutrition expert- but I have not seen him around for a while.

After lunch I compiled my Personal shopping list on day in advance as it is due tomorrow but as I had time today I prepared it ahead of time and also I sent it to Renee my RTC for her approval.
This evening I am schedule to go the see a movie. Most likely I will be able to see Into the Storm. It is supposed to be an epic story about Tornadoes chaser. I bet Simona my wife would be smiling at me hearing that I am going to see a movie about heavy meteorological events.
I know I own it to her

At the movie there is also a 3D movie option, but because of my injury  my brain is not capable of taking 3D movie yet.
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed myself writing to all of you.

Thank you Sarah, I know you are watching over from a distance so happy day to you!

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