Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday August 6

yesterday it was a Tuesday  and as I had no Personal Shopping to do I went to the 24 fitness   gym to do Bootcamp with Johnnie.
I had coverage from Sonny who is always ready to work hard.
At the gym I signed this big card for Lydian who is leaving today. So this afternoon  I will say bye to her in person and snap a last picture together with her before she goes away.

It is always a good day Chez Giuseppe.

My routing is the following:
water my plant to greet the day and to think about my family and the beautiful day.

A good day starts from a good breakfast. I hence made eggs using my son Chicco's  owl shape which is handy in cooking eggs.

I took care of myself by eating healthy and well balanced. Particularly a lot of Blueberry and blueberry yogurt.  I am very  proud of my eyes.. anyway you know the whole story...

Of Course this morning I called home and found Chicco my son who was awaken and getting ready for his day. Today he had Tennis camp. At the time I called both Simona and Lapo where still sleeping.
Chicco is  going to be 9  and right now he is on  summer break. Chicco will start fourth grade next week. Our youngest son Lapo is going to start at the same time Kindergarten as this year he is 5.
Both the boys are doing fine and will be doing their bests at school.

After breakfast,I came to the clinic and drove with Jemena. At the clinic I worked on my CR (as Sarah says it is PT for the mind). I reached 95% score and got 20% faster than yesterday. Everyday is getting faster and stronger.
Today I also had toga with Amy. As usual she was very happy to be here at work and I was very happy to see her.
I have brought stickers for her daughters, she is telling me that both Madison and Olivia like stickers. So every week I bring stickers for her girls. It is a nice gesture of kindness for her family. I feel she appreciates my kindness for her family.
I then had counselling group with Don, he is a very nice person and today we had a nice conversation about ourselves.. but being private matter I can not talk about it. I enjoyed talking to Don anyway.
My lunch was as  usual very healthy, I had some chicken drums with a medley of carrots, celery. On the side I had veggie with Quinoa and avocado. Also in the little red box there is a fruit salad that I have done at home in the past view days.

I have to say I like to cook and to make things that are healthy and balanced. So I am always happy when I cook at the apartment.

After lunch I had the chance of talking to Vichy a patient here at the clinic. She told me she got injured while at work. She was a crane operator. She is doing fine and she is a nice lady. We sat outside while I was sipping my coffee and I asked her to snap this picture of me, as usual I like to take this picture of me to share with Simona my wife. And as usual I am showing my happiness for being here with you.

Well it is all good! You see I am getting stronger and faster thanks to a lot of people around me, my Case Manager, Sara G. my wife and a lot of professional people around me helping me a lot.

So overall it is all good here in Bakersfield. In return is key to get better and to share my experience and optimism with all of you.

Thank you for reading.
God Bless you.

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