Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday August 13

let's rewind the tape to yesterday activities. Our kids started school: our eldest Chicco started IV grade while our youngest Lapo  has started Kindergarten.
The boys are going to the same school in La Canada.
Chicco this year has told me that has a male teacher. It is going to be good for him.

I took the time to write to the both of them a nice letter. As usual it is written in English and block letters so that Chicco  can read it to Lapo.

I also have prepared a Happy Birthday card for Chicco. He turns 9  in a couple of days.
So I made a nice and positive card for him.

Simona came the other day with our kids, she brought me a new Laptop as mine started failing. It is a gift from AltaSens the company where I used to work before my stroke. Actually it is a gift from Lester, the company CEO. I know Lester means well, as everybody around me. I feel I am a very blessed person to be able to write to you all.

As Lester keeps saying I am defying the odds, after alll the chance of surviving my Acquired Brain Injury were slim. Very slim but I am keeping getting better and better.. and focus on my current job that is working hard on my Rehabilitation

In fact my performance are improving constantly.
I work hard, I do a lot of exercise  for my body, and a lot of CR (cognitive Retraining) which is as Sarah - my Case Manager has told me- it equivalent to a PT for the mind.
So my number for CR are improving every time, I am heading for a higher accuracy and a faster time. This what it is all about  being alive and getting better.
The last time my family was at the apartment Lapo left me a nice present

Here at the center everybody is taking care of me.
For instance Levi has promised me that if I am here at 4am he is going to take me for a ride on this nice carpet cleaning machine.
He told me that I have to be here early in the morning in order to be able to ride.
The fact is at that time, I need to be able to run to the center do the cleaning and then run back to take my medication, and a shower. Will it work? :)

Switching back to the person that know me best, I have received a nice email from Lester the CEO and founder of the company where I use to work before my ABI (my stroke).

Everything is well, his family like mine are all doing great. Lester is inviting me to be patient and to take the time to get better. It is called Neuroplasticity of the brain. The Brain is a wonderful organ being able to rewire itself and its path way to the parts that are working correctly.
Have a great day.
Enjoy the reading.


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