Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday August 3th 2014

happy Sunday to all of you. I am happy to be writing to all of you my dear pen friends.
Here are the important facts of my day Sunday August 3th  2014 ( lately I have been lessening to much NPR radio.

 This morning  woke up alive and breathing, which is already a not negligible aspect of life.

I did my personal staff, witch includes the usual routine.

Anyway let's skip to the salient moment of my day: breakfast. A very good Sunday brunch, complete with vitamin and carbs and a lot of healthy fat. Soon or later you will have to try the Sunday brunch with Champagne, for the time being I am going to skip it for a bit longer in order to stay within my meal plan.

Today is Personal shopping request day, at 11 -11:30 am I talked to Rene my RTC to let her know the following items:

1) I don't need anything to do Personal Shopping on Tuesday and I rather needed a couple of hundred dollars  from my Personal account. If you don't ask you don't get anything, so for the time being Renee was very amused by my silly requests and I was given $40 to spent brevi manu. I have to say that I have hard time keeping my budget straight. For the time being at the shop where I go (Trader Joe's) they always help me to reduce my expense by allowing to put back from my grocery shopping things that are extra. Nevertheless I am a very good customer of theirs. And as usual as I blow my budget I don't have any money left to buy my beer, which is in itself a GOOD THING.

Early this morning I spoke with our son Chicco, today he was going with Simona and Lapo to catechism at St. Bede the local church in La Canada. Stefanie is his teacher at church. Stefanie  is teaching Chicco first communion and Christensen all together.

this morning as every weekend I  wrote to our boys: a letter to Chicco in block letters and in English and a nice and simple drawing for Lapo our youngest son. During the weekend I am always writing to them so that when I see them I have something for the both of them. I know they appreciate my thoughts. I am sure that they will keep my letters as a good memory of this time together.

Speaking of our family Chicco is going with Simona and Lapo at St. Bede church in La Canada to take a class for his Catechism as he is getting ready to do at once his First Communion and his Christensen.

As I was in writing mode, after writing to our kids I wrote a nice letter to Sarah my Case Manager at the clinic. I positive and thank you letter, including some stickers for Ian her youngest son. As usual this is my routine during  my weekend. I know that tomorrow she is counting on me to leave the letter to her on her desk. And I will do so..

 my mood today was captured in this image of me doing the victory sign holding a picture of Simona with me:

this morning as I had time before recycle I had a chance of washing my shoes. And now I have very clean and perfumed shoes (...yes I did apply some perfume if this is what you are thinking!)

At 12:30 pm  I went to do recycle: It is a place around the corner near Trader Joe's. Michael runs the  recycle center.

Today is was wide open for us, it was good as  we had a good load for different apartments.

Here is the picture of the van before unloading.
 Kile was driving the bus and Maria-Fernanda came with us as well to help.

I had lunch beforehand and it has been a very yummy home made meal, balanced in protein and veggie.

This morning discovery is that in my kitchen I have a high tech faucet, hence I snapped a picture of this device: a retractable tube is connected to a little handy water dispenser so that I can direct the water wherever I need it. You will certainly say better late than never.. well I agree with you!

Early this morning I called my mom on her cell phone in Italy, she is still at the sea side in Fano, Italy.My mom mentioned that next week my brother Francesco and his wife Sara are coming to stay with her for the Ferragosto holiday. Francesco and his wife lives in Verona near my mom. I am sure she enjoys my brother's family presence over there in Fano.

She is doing fine and enjoying her staying over there. Is is very quite right now and the weather is somehow cloudy, so she has time to meditate and to read books by going at the local library where she can also check my email and this work of mine. So if you are reading this words mom please stay well and be reassured that on this side of the Atlantic (she is in Italy and I am in the USA) everything is well.

As Sarah my Case Manager always tells me, Giuseppe you are worthy it! I know that I have cost the insurance during my rehabilitation a boatload of money. I cant' imagine start counting everything but I think Sarah knows the ball park amount. I guess if you were to get close to it, you would be surprised by the total figure. It is quite something.. And I am worthy ..? Well I am making sure that I am worthy of your gentle and kind support.
So let's keep moving ahead and keep getting better.
As I mentioned to some of you I feel like my Lapotop: once in a while my operative system complaints that it has an error and therefore it needs to run a disparity check sum tool on the hard drive.

This is to say I need a new laptop quite soon... anybody out there to help me please?

Alright, this is my entry for today. Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you all.

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