Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday August 18

I need to rewind a bit for the weekend activities.
My wife came to pick me up for the weekend.
I brought to her a flower from my balcony, as I keep it for her.

I was at what use to be my home, right now I don't leave any longer over there. In fact  it is 3 years that I don't leave any more at home. What use to be my house. But I am agnostic and without any emotion in looking at what I use to care about.
When I look at these things or at my family I see a flat image without depth. 
I noticed that my wife is distant  and very polite with me, I would say that politeness is what is left of what once use to be ....
Anyway the first stop was at Whole Food, the Pasadena local high end supermarket to pick up our son Birth date cake. 
As we were here I was offered some sushi to eat. 
So as I am a  sushi eater I had some..

At home Chicco showed him his new present: It is a WII play station that Simona purchased brand new from Marina our nanny. Chicco was happy for this present, he can plays with Lapo our second son.

Here Chicco shows us his new controller.

Chicco had  as a present  a new scooter.
in this picture he is showing us is new present. He uses the scooter with a helmet.
Clearly at home we have had enough TBI.

My TBI started 3 years ago when I tried to use a similar scooter without a helmet.

I was having a lot of fun with the scooter and then my accident happened.
I felt and BANG! I hit the ground and fractured my skull.

For a while I kept pieces of my skull in my belly to allow it to regenerate.
After a couple of months my skull got reinserted in its place. This procedure allowed my brain to let the inflammation going away.
Things happen when you try to ride without an helmet. So always use an helmet.
The party started in the afternoon so for lunch Simona took me for lunch at DeLuca's. This is an Italian Deli at the Glendale Galleria. Chicco was attending a Party from his friend and I was eating by myself.

Today's breakfast..

\And today's PT

Have a great day!

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