Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday August 10

Alright, thank you all CNS for being here when we need you most.
On behalf of my family and Sarah my Case Manager I would like to expend to all of you our deepest gratitude.
Let's go back to yesterday activities.
I went to see a nice movie, it is called Into the Storm.
I have enjoyed my self watching this movie, one of the reason is because my wife Simona deals for her job with extreme atmospheric events. She is not into chasing tornadoes or something like that,  at least as far as I know it is not her field of expertise. Anyway the movie teaches us of a community of people affected by extreme Storm and how well each of the actor in the movie reacts faced with the difficulties of life.

I liked it because there is a strong sense of community and of friendship among the people affected by the tornadoes. A very positive movie for me.
So I personal give two thumbs up to the movie.

This morning I am wearing green again ( a different shirt). I have several green T - shirt as I like green color.
This is my morning smiling face

As a breakfast I had two eggs made funny side up like my son Chicco teaches me to do.

I also have prepared a bunch of letters.
A letter is for my wonderful Case Manager Sara currently on vacation with her family.. she told me where she was going and I checked on the web it is a nice place. I only hope she remembers to bring me back the cork with have agreed.. if not .. It will be for the next time! I know it is a family vacation for her... 

I wrote to Sara and added stickers for Ian her youngest son. I will bring it on the office on Monday. Sara  will open it in a week time when she comes back. It is part of my routine, I count on it and I know she counts on me.

This morning I  wrote to Chicco my son in English and block letters.

For our youngest son Lapo I have prepared a Ninja turtle drawing.
 Lately he is a huge fan of the Ninja Turtles. Something he picked up from his cousin Matteo.

I have prepared a lot of letters for everybody, my two sons, my wife and for Sara.
It is a nice art to be able to write letters to the ones you care for.
I also called my mom in Italy, she is vacationing in Fano, Italy where our family has a residence. My mom's parents where born there and then once they married they emigrated to Bolzano in the Northern part of Italy.

Well today, I mentioned to my RTC - the wonderful Renee - that this incoming Tuesday I need to do Personal Shopping so I have prepared the list and as such I will not be able to go to the gym. Once in a while I need to take care of the personal business as well! Whenever I am available I go to the gym otherwise. So this Tuesday I will be either cooking, or writing letters, or swimming.. We will see.

Today my wife Simona comes with our kids, so I have prepared a light snack: a  salad of boiled green beans and carrots. Very savory and healthy.

They are going to be her in a short while.
So I need to leave you.
Please enjoy the reading.
God Bless you all.

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