Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday August 19 2014

Alright, let's rewind to yesterday.
Yesterday the maintenance guy of CNS came in my apartment to fix what was wrong in my washing machine.
The top rack had a wheel that was missing, so Simona came to inspect the dishwasher and asked Renee if she could follow up on this matter.
And VOILA' .. the dishwasher is now working..

I am a proud owner of a working dishwasher.. thank you CNS :)

Let's focus on my dinner: Salmon from Simona and quick Barley salad.
All good and healthy.
Simona also gave me some Pita bread and Humus. I enjoyed the both of them very much.

I wrote a nice and positive letter to Simona, it is in my apartment for her.

Yesterday evening as I was home for the weekend I went to Albertson to do shopping. Normally I go to Trader Joe's this time though it was Albertson. I had everything I was looking for and I stayed within my budget. At the store they helped me to trim down my bill so I spend $70.66 and steered away from the obvious trouble..
While doing grocery over there I met Cassidy a therapist here at CNS. I was happy to bump into her, she was surprised as well to see me there!
This morning as usual I took care of the flower in my balcony, it is something I do for Simona every morning.

As this morning Simona was still sleeping I did not wake her up, when she is sleeping she is most definitely like the  sleeping beauty like the story..

So while she was dozing off ( La grasse matinee) I went ahead and had breakfast with her picture anyway.

it makes my day to start my morning with my wife and my Case Manager Sarah. 
They are both a awesome person.

In the morning at the center I did CR and worked at my bests.. seeing improvement in speed and a bit less accuracy improvement.

I did YOGA with Amy. I have brought for her two daughters- Madison and Olivia-  stickers. I normally bring something for her daughters, I know they like it. I would do the same with my family.
Afterward there is lunch..
For lunch we snapped the following pictures:
A green picture of me... 

And my Yummy Salmon salad with Barley. Also I had a few pieces of pizza and in the blue box a piece of cake from my son Birthday..

Well I will need to work out harder at the gym, or all the pounds I am putting will make me go back to have a larger than usual belly..
After all my belly is something to be proud off..
In Sicily they say 'omo de panza'  which loosely translates into a man of wise qualities... which is obviously well applied to me.. don't you agree? 

today it has been my payday at CNS, so I would like to acknowledge the CNS's  help and gracefulness. 
well you know you are making my day, everyday by knowing what to do and how to handle it.

I called at home and found our youngest son Lapo. He was home from Kindergarten. And he was as usual busy playing. At home he is with Marina our nanny.
Chicco - our eldest - will come home at 3 pm.
There are  3 years and 8 months between Chicco and Lapo.
Enjoy the reading.
It is time for me to go.

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