Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday August 7

Yesterday at home I wrote a letters to the boys.
For Chicco in English and block letters and for Lapo very simple drawings.

I made a good dinner with ragu pasta and Parmesan cheese.

I went afterward to the 24hours fitness gym where I said goodbye to Lydian.

Lydian is on my left hand side. She is moving to S.Diego. Her cat Furby will stay here at home with her mom. So we said farewell and good luck.

At the  gym I had a chance to of doing  cycle with Angie. She is a big supporter of mine. She is always cheerful when she sees me.

Afterward I started doing body pump with Silvia and I liked my gym time.

This morning I had a good fulfilling breakfast. The owl shape for the eggs is from my son Chicco.

At the clinic I did CR and then RT. I called doing RT whenever I can run here. As I like running and I am running faster and for longer distance. Where do I run? I don't know I simply like running.

Whenever I will find the reason I will let you know.
Have you seeing the movie Forrest Gump
Well I feel like Forrest Gump whenever I am allowed to run.. I simply run because I like it.
Well enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed myself writing to you.
Who am I? I am the guy with the green eye, that has a lot of supporter around the Clinic. I have my good and bad days of course. But whenever I can run the day turns upside down for me. At the bad things turn into a positive and good days!
So thank you CNS for taking care of business for me.

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