Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday August 20 2014

Alright let me rewind my brain to yesterday activities.
As I had no Personal Shopping I had the chance of going to the 24 fitness gym on Gosford. Over there I did first boot camp with Johnny and later after the class I did a step and strength class with Allie. I did it without the step but using only the mat as I am not step clear yet. Here is me having a good time when leaving the gym

For my balance is good to be active.
My breakfast has been really yummy: As usual. Since Simona was still sleeping in the other room I did not wake her up this time. She has a lot to do in life so whenever she can sleeps I let her sleep quietly.

You know the story of the sleeping beauty don't you? Simona is my beauty of course...

For my CR therapy we went with Erica-sama to buy some supply at the dollar store. So I took advantage of being there to purchase something for Simona . I got some lucky charm for her. As I had enough I started distributing it to all my friends here at CNS.  I  gave a couple of charms to Amy my Yoga instructor for her two daughters Olivia and Madison. Today Olivia and Madison send me a nice letter with some artwork. 

We exchange simple gift in this way. 

I have also took the opportunity of giving to Sarah my Case Manager at CNS a lucky charm. She was happy and I was happy being able to give her back something of my own.

I have started distributing the charms here at CNS among all my friends and I let them pick the color that best fits their personality. You see it is all good. Among them Joline , Jessica, Michael and Dustin  all picked their favorite color.  I gesture of kindness goes a long way in life. They are all kind to my family and in particular to me.

Well after yoga I had lunch.
My lunch has been light and fulfilling. A crab cake salad with Tostadas and some Pasta.
Good source of protein and carbs for a good day 

Here is me acting happy after lunch. A full belly goes a long way in life...:)

During lunch I called Simona and I found her working at Caltech during her days.  Lapo our youngest son  is at home but I could not connect with him, he must have been outside to play with Marina our nanny.

Today I took the bus too early and came here at the CNS center too early before all the therapists were in. I was let in so I could read the newspaper and slowly but surely the center has started to come alive.
tomorrow I need to take the bus at 9 AM. 

Well being too early is OK once, at least I had the opportunity to see what the center is like that early...
Simply only the receptionist is here..
Tomorrow I need to take the bus as usual at 9AM.

Tomorrow I will definitely being on time.
Well you see it is all good and happy. 

Please enjoy the reading my friends, as I have enjoyed writing to you!
It is that time of the day again..
Happy hour!

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