Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday August 11

I had a good weekend.
I have prepared a letter for our kids. A letter for Chicco in English and block letter.
And a simpler letter for Lapo our youngest.
For Simona my wife I had a letter as well.

Since Simona and our sons were in town, I gave them everything I had prepared
We went to eat at Panera Bread. We all had fun and we stayed together as a family.

I have received from Lester my boss a nice present. He sent me a new PC as mine had started failing and a nice message to get better. It is engraved in the little disk that he sent me as well.

Lapo had the chance of getting a Lego set at Target. 
Here he is playing with his Lego set

Chicco had some Pokemon card. 
Afterward we grabbed  a frozen yogurt.

The kids had a wonderful time. And they all had what they needed.
Afterward I went to the S. Francis Church on H Street.
I liked because it is good for me to go there. Yesterday there was a very nice priest ( a Franciscan priest) very energetic and very likable. He told us about his experience in Assisi where he stayed in a retreat alone with God. He  mentioned to trust God because God is always in control of our life. He made an example of Peter being at some point scared when he was walking on the water. The priest mentioned to trust God always in whatever we are doing. A good and positive message.
Well I had a good family visit.
I feel in love with my wife and with our kids.
You see we are all on the same page.. even the commercial is telling me that crafting a good beer is better than working on telephone line.

Finally I have brought Sara a nice letter and stickers for Ian. She is on vacation when she is back she will get it. It is Ok, I promised to her.

I need to go.
Enjoy the reading. 

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