Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday August 2 2014

Here is a good excerpt from the Serenity Prayer  by Reinhold Niebuhr

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. 

It is a nice piece of wisdnm so here it is for your perusal.

Well, let's go back to today.
It is a Saturday so  no clinic.
I have the day off. Nevertheless I woke up early to get ready for my day at a bit before 6am.
As usual for the weekend I cleaned the whole apartment , changed my bed and did my laundry. I had a  good breakfast  together with the people that are here near the clinic with me, Sara my Case Manager and my family.

I have this picture snapped of me with Simona.

This morning I wrote a letter to Chicco my son. It is in English and block letters.
I normally write to Chicco during the weekend. He knows he can count on my letters.

Afterward at 10:30am  we did Grocery Shopping, Triana was driving the bus. At Trader Joe's we did all the good shopping. Here is a picture of the Grocery shop as seen from the outside.

 In the shop I had everything I needed an even more.
I am following my list at my bests. As usual I greeted everybody over there. Then as brought in the bags (recycle) I entered Simona's number for the raffle.  I had the chance of collecting stickers for Ian, Sarah' s youngest son.  It is a small memory task for me and on Monday I will leave it on her desks. I know she counts on it. The way she thinks about it, is that even if I forget to bring it in, it is OK. 
Such is Sara's big heart!

At Trader Joe's I greeted everybody, of course I brought flowers for Jamie pictured with me on my left in the photo below.  Jamie is really a good person, she is calling me Joseph and she is opening her heart to me.. As usual I  brought to her a flower. I normally bring flowers to her and Lisa another person that works over there. Lisa calls me " Sweety "

Today both Jamie and I were wearing a green shirt. The appointment for next Saturday is to wear a green  T-shirt as well. We look good in green, don't we? Also we look good standing by the beer supply which is normally very low over there, today by chance it was a regular day for them.

Unfortunately or fortunately for them I run out of money based on my grocery shopping list, so I could not get to by any beer.. Oh well, such is life, at least I stayed out of trouble another week.

I am quite popular over there everybody is greeting me and making sure I am OK.  Once back at the apartment I had my very healthy lunch: chicken and Barley salad.

 I talked to Simona a few minute ago, earlier I talked with Chicco our son who was fully awaken at 7am. Simona mentioned that she took the boys to  Taekwon-do class they had. Simona mentioned as it is an extra lesson outside the normal weekly class. Well our kids love being active in sport and in life. Healthy kids come from healthy parents.

Today I had the chance of talking to my mom who is vacationing at the sea-side in FANO

 The weather is good and she in enjoying her end of the summer vacation. Next week my brother and his wife are visiting her. Next week is Ferragosto (August 15) 
It is the last holidays of the summer and every place has its own firework show. It is quite something being it Italy for Ferragosto.

Anyway today I will go to the movie theater.
I have a large choice: for instance our kids saw Plane which would be interesting for me to see.
The other movies are Get on Up (James Brown) who would be good to see with Simona my wife, and finally A most wanted man. I will tell you which one has been selected. It is good in life to have choices.

 Alright, enjoy the reading, and thank you all, and particularly to you Sarah and Simona, and my family in Italy
You are all in my heart and in my brain too.

Have a great day.

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