Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday August 30

Alright, let me rewind my memory tape to yesterday salient activities.
In the afternoon I went to the 24 fitness  gym on Gosford.
this is the entrance of the gym as seen from the parking spot.

There were no classes so I had the chance of working out by myself. I used light weights so I could do many repetitions without hurting my self. You see I learned to make sure my work out is enjoyable and funny. And so it was.

While at the gym I met Damian who mentioned to he was directly coming from his work at the Ford dealership here in town.
Damian is a nice and positive person always ready for a nice world.

At the gym I snapped a picture together with Jessica. She knows I like to snap pictures with them so at the gym everybody complies with me and particularly helps me by showing his support with my classic pose .. you guessed it is the  thumb up!

While leaving I met Larry and Janice who were coming in to work out.
They are both good friends of mine I trust them a lot.

Today is a Saturday so I am taking care of the apartment house cleaning of the weekend.
It is true that I clean as well during the week, the weekend is particularly devoted to the bulky items.
Today I feel fun and dandy as this picture shows. I am feeling everybody close to me: my family on my left hand side, then Sarah my Case Manager her at CNS. She is really taking a good care of her patients and I would like to thank her for thinking particularly about  me. 

Sarah is always busy, as she has a lot to do. At the clinic all Case Managers are so busy. But I see them as doing a great job. I acknowledge everybody's job as they are really working hard for what they believe is best for their patients.

In the morning as I like doing , I wrote a nice and positive letter to Chicco our eldest son. 
The letter is in English and Block letters as usual. Chicco was born here in US so has been schooled in US. He is attending IV grade elementary school  in La Canada Elementary School. So the letter is obviously written to him in English.
For our youngest kids Lapo I have prepared a simpler letter with some nice drawing for him. Lapo is 6 and this year he is attending Kindergarten. He is  leaning to read and write. So I normally make a simple letter for him.  I crafted the following letter for his enjoyment.  

At Trader Joe's I did my weekly grocery shopping.
As I was mentioning to you I am set on the following routine.

First of all I am taking flowers to everybody over there, second I am bringing my bags so Simona's number is entered in the raffle for the extraction ( today I had two tickets), finally I have got some stickers for Ian. Ian is the son of my wonderful Case Manger as CNS. Her name is Sarah. I know she is watching over me always so you are welcome Sarah! Here are the stickers, in case you wonder.. :). They will be on your desk on Monday morning.

At Trader's Joe Jamie had the same T-shirt color as mine, what a coincidence! Jamie is standing next to me on my left hand side. I am the one with the Caltech hat. The hat is from Simona my wife. She works at Caltech.
I love my wife, and miss her, but we all have to do to get buy. So I am doing my best at anyplace I go.

Anyway Jamie  is a big supporter of mine as well. She is always ready to help me out and to make sure I buy the right items. She is in charge of the shop after all. She knows what is available and what is not available.
I trust her knowledge and her grace with me. Besides she has always time to crack a joke with me  and for making my experience over there very enjoyable and amusing. This is way I like her good character and patience with me.

As usual after the shopping she had the time to snap a couple of funny pictures with me.

Today I ask her if it was OK to snap next to the flowers, she patiently complied with me.

For lunch I baked a wonderful pizza. Then I prepared a fantastic spinach salad with burrata and Chia Seeds.

Whenever I made a healthy salad like this I am always thanking Steve for his good advises.
Steve is the nutrition expert here at CNS.
Well It is all for today.
Today I am planning to go to the movie, I would like to see the movie called "The November man".
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.
Thank you CNS, Sarah, Simona, Chicco, Lapo Lester, well everybody else.

Let me explain Lester is my former boss at AltaSens. He is a person full of understanding for me as well. He is coordinating closely with Simona my wife. So the both of them are really functional to my recovery.

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