Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday August 22

Alright, I need to rewind my tape to yesterday and focus on my salient and positive activities.
Yesterday I went to the 24 fitness gym on Gosford. I did cycle with Lolita and had a lot of fun over there.
Genoviva  took me over there and did my coverage.
Afterward I asked her to take this picture of me next to this nice bike, pretending it is my bike.. :)

At the gym I had the chance of greeting  Richard, Chris and Ramon, all good people that know me well. I learn to trust them  during this time. I also had the chance to greet Naomi the Manager, Jessica and Darlene. Darlene is a really hard worker she has many siblings and she is working hard to support her self in life.

When my coverage was over we left the gym on time.

Today It is a good Friday.
Simona is busy with running the house and the whole family.
This morning I called home and found Chicco our eldest, Chicco is now 9 years old and goes to IV grade. He is a smart and really good person at school.
Our youngest Lapo goes to Kindergarten and he is doing is best. Lapo is 6 years old. I called home at lunch as Lapo is at home for lunch and talked with him. He was playing at home. He had shrimp pasta and a side of broccoli.  It is important that our sons eats well.

Simona my wife is fine and very busy.
She has recently confirmed that she has renewed my subscription at the Economist magazine. My favorite Magazine.

Today at the clinic besides greeting Sarah, my wonderful Case Manager ( a huge supporter of mine)
I had my RT therapy. It is a wonderful feeling being able to run on the treadmill. I run smoothly and safely as Nick has recommended me to do.
I love running as it makes me happy and put me in a good disposition with the day.

Today is Jolie last day at CNS, she mentioned she is going back to school. So Best of  luck to you Jolie.

At the clinic I spoke to my counselor. Afterward I did my PT (see above for a snapshot) and later  I worked on the CNS blog. Finally I  had a good lunch: Tostadas from Simona and a good chicken salad that I made at home. I love cooking as it makes me happy. I cook every meal as I normally eat at home.

At lunch I snapped the below picture of me with a very noble and rewarding background. The Polycom camera that have my sensor inside. Yep before my stroke I designed many CMOS image sensors. 
I am very proud of this product.It sold well.  

Well today my plan is to go to the 24 fitness gym for Zumba and to have a lot of fun in dong so.
The weekend I will be off. I will have the normal activities of the weekend..
But I will let you know by then.

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