Wednesday, February 3, 2016

acceptance and the household head

It is cold yet nice. I had lunch outside as I can not resolve myself to be confined "inside"

I like eating by myself outside even if it is cold right now.

I  do not like the cacophony of this place during anytime nor the  view of  the patients.. each one having his own quirky characteristic and features
So I had lunch outside.

Anyway the head is Simona my wife.
She is the at the head of our household since my injury.

I have been out for several years, in hospitals and many difference rehabilitation places.

Simona had to step up to the plate and to do what had to be done in order to keep things in order.

Originally she also took a leave from Caltech due to the combined load of my injury and our youngest son Lapo being a few months old.

She stayed out of work for a few months until things got better for me then she had to go back.

Right now Simona's shoulders are bearing the biggest loads of our household in beautiful La Canada.
I remember that we original got into a nice house. The house was undergoing remodeling when I got injured naturally nobody's fault just chance.

Simona took the original blue print, got into a reasonable readjustment and got the job completed.

A few things got in between now and then. For instance the roof had to be redone  has that winter had significant rain pouring down.  She had to make it done correctly.. unexpectedly nevertheless she decided to get it done.

If you scroll the bar below you find the Pomander Place mark.

This is the city front shield. 

Simona is always saying that she comes always last after taking care of our kids and of the house duties.

Simona does not have much time to sleep, quite often she works late into the night or she wakes up early in the wee hours of the morning.

She is giving all she has for our household.

As she told me many times, she has accepted the fact that this is the way things for the time being have to be. It has already been a long road for her and for our family.

Nevertheless our kids are enjoying a regular life though.

Chicco is the eldest is 10 years old. Lapo is our youngest and he is 6.5 years.

Chicco is right now in Philadelphia on a school trip.

In Philadelphia the class will be visiting many historical places.

This is an image of the Independence Hall (where the declaration of Independence was  debated and adopted)

A picture  of the Liberty Bell is shown below.

There is also a very interesting museum called the Franklin Institute.

It is an interactive museum for kids.

I remember I read a very interesting book regarding Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson

Benjamin was a founding father and a prolific inventor.
Franklin  also pushed the country toward modernization and adoption of many front running technologies he saw while ambassador for the US in France.

I am happy and want to stay out of my normal life for many years to come.
I will never be able to go back to my normal life.. between the normal environment I once cherished 

It is all a blemish memory, all part of an old time that is forgotten and gone forever.
Right now I have been ... to house confinement.

All I have done all I make wasted for nothing.. enjoy the reading..
great having managed to come thus far indeed..

A bit "au de la" would have been best perhaps..
At least to check out whether there is anything beyond...

Sarcastically  yours 

Enjoy your life if you can
Giuseppe Rossi 

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