Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday Feb 11 2016

Yesterday I took pictures of the trees at the clinic. They have beautiful white flowers.

 I took the chance of planting new flowers and changing the flower bed.

I removed the old plants, they were done with the flowers. I  changed the soil as it had turned all into a single brick of roots.

Better starting fresh - or as it called a "Clean slate"

I distributed the new schedule to all the apartment. Booked for movie at 5pm next Saturday.

I enjoyed cooking dinner: first I cooked broccoli flowers  in the pan with seasoning and some water.
Afterward I added couple of scramble eggs with some milk.

I made a wonderful and satisfyingly frittata.

Norberto -the sup -came to check on me and he also snapped this picture of my cooking activity.

I look good with my white apron...

At the apartment this is my fridge. I keep it clean and regularly checked for any item that is bad.

I have to say I do not waste any food. It is a very large appliance only for my self.

After dinner I went to the gym.

It was time for cycle with Cassie at my right hand side.

Fully extending my legs it is good for me. I paid attention to enjoying my work out "Yes I can Yes I will, attitude is what makes a difference.. as Cassie always says"

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia, I focused on repetition and range of motion.

I did not charge my body too much . I learned to protect my body from over charging it.

I  realizing for me it is hard bending properly my legs and walking straight. It is apparent to everybody over there as it is apparent to me. Yet they accepted me with them.

Post gym I was smiling and feeling well.

At the gym I greeted Pete, his wife Michelle, Damian and Maria.
The usual familiar faces that are kind to me.

Once done Miss Anna -the sup -came to pick me up and took me back home at the apartment.

This morning it is a very nice day. As usual I walked in the park.

I completed my money management this morning.

Simona and the kids are fine. The boys will be going to the dentist rather than Taekwon-do later today.

My mother sent me the following pictures from my home town Verona in Italy. It is from Piazza dei Signori. They are celebrating Valentine day.

Mom, I appreciated your thoughts

I am posting it for the  enjoyment of the reader of this blog.

They  are celebrating Valentine's  day.

Enjoy the reading. It is a good day today.

A flower for my wife...

Having lunch outside under the patio
Stretching my yes, left, right, up and down.

My lunch: left over of a chicken rise salad, a healthy serving of broccoli flowers and cup of grapes.

Consuming the food I have before everything.
Good food management.

Simona and the boys will be going to skying in Mammoth.

They will be going with Kavon, Daria, Roshi and Ali. Kavon is a very good friend of Lapo our youngest son. The two boys used to be schoolmate in Pre School.

 Since then they remained closed thanks to the effort of our respective families.

My  family will be out on the slope starting tomorrow Feb 12th  until Monday Feb 15th.
The snow condition on the slope looks good. To check on the latest update see the following link.

Myself I will be going to the slope at Big Bear from  Monday Feb 15 to Tuesday Feb 16. We will be leaving right after Valentine day. Lunch and lodge is provided by CNS. I  already have my skying gear. I will pack the sun lotion to make sure I am handling the sun protection properly. According to the web the snow over there is good. There are 80 " at the main lodge. I guess it is good enough for skying around.

I am looking forward as last year the skying instructor recommended to do a lot of stepper at the gym.
So I did working hard every time I had time by myself at the gym (on a Sunday) progressing my distance and duration. The last couple of times I went for 4 miles and took 40 minutes. Getting better and stronger


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