Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Feb 24

Yesterday evening I went to the gym as I had no Personal Shopping to do. I seldom skip the gym as I  enjoy that place very much.

Beforehand I had a very healthy dinner.

I prepared scrambled eggs frittata mixed with the leftover rice.
I used three eggs. I divide the food into two portions.

For yesterday evening and another for today's lunch.

 I also  cooked broccoli flowers in a pan. Lightly seasoned.

 A couple of pieces of fruits completed my dinner. Healthy carbs from fruits and vegetable.

Yesterday my kids worked at their homework as their evening activity.

I talked to Lapo our youngest. He told me our eldest Chicco was doing something very important and could not come to the phone. He talked to me in Italian then told me "something very important" in English.

Finally Chicco was available and I greeted him warmly.

It then  was time for me to go to the gym.

Over there I enjoyed my workout. I had body pump with Ellie. Light weights and many repetitions is the way to go. I am not the type of Bulky person.

I am focusing on my lower extremity range of motion, precision and breathing in between the exercise. Overall fitness.

Right now my legs' bending together with my core  is plenty for me to work upon.

After body pump with Ellie it was time for doing Zumba. This is a rhythmic and enjoyable way to do  more cardio exercise.

Kyle drove the sprinter with several other patients.

There was  barely  place left  in the sprinter for fitting all the patients  that needs to be transported to several gym places.
Beside at the gym I knew it was time to leave and I went to the men's room to wash my hands.
I was chased in the washroom. 

Please CNS I know what the coverage's rules are about.

Please wait respectfully your place is outside the washing room

Obviously the usual one N...k had the most attention of the evening.
At the gym I weighted myself.

On Feb 23  my body was  182  pound.

Today's breakfast. Easy and healthy.
Warm Oatmeal, cereals with milk, yogurt and a coffee (not shown in the picture)

Bakersfield  had a earthquake just yesterday. It was a magnitude 4.8 quake. The epicenter  was near Wasco.

The apartment shook up, it was a quick rumble. A fast moving wave passed by.

The wooden structure of the apartment absorbed the strong rattle.  
It is an elastic structure after all. It is supposed to absorb and bend lightly to accommodate the local seismic activity. 

This fact is reported in today's newspapers as well.

Today's park is a relaxing view.

I walked around and enjoyed my day. Peaceful and fresh hair. Spring is around the corner, nature is waking up slowly. I am observing more activity in the nests and a bit more insects around the park.

At the apartment I greeted James and all the maintenance crew.
James mentioned that today he  was scheduled to change the kitchen water mixer in the apartment 623. 

It had trouble mixing the hot and cold water.

We will see how it goes later today.

As usual this morning Simona took the boys to school.

Today Simona is busy at Caltech and she could not take my call. She did let me know this morning when She told me she had visitors.
She is always busy.

It is getting warmer and warmer. It is 75F (24C) outside.

For the next couple of days is will stay so. The weekend is going to  be a few degrees cooler.

I had my lunch outside under the porch.
The weather is nice and relaxing.
As mentioned I had lunch with the left over of my dinner. I had partitioned it beforehand on purpose.

Broccoli flowers, scramble eggs frittata and grapes.

A lot of healthy carbs from the veggy and fruit, protein from the eggs.
It is a good and a balanced lunch.

Water as a drink. I do not drink soft drink I am over any time of soft drink.  I simply do not enjoy it any more. Had I been drinking any, today I am definitely not.

I like to eat as healthy as possible.

Normally I  watching my food intake.
I have my cheat days as well, it is all human.
I would not a human person had I not my special dietary days..

I like to stay outside.. as soon as I am back I have the following experiences:  smelling  and coursing.

 I am observing and reporting.

At time the smell of human excrement in pervasive  in this place.

People screaming and cursing is nothing new as well.

People get changed by the staff because they are incontinent and while they receive the service they course to the staff that is assisting them.

How much pain and relentless sorrow is associated by me witnessing day after day these aspects of the clinic? I am talking about myself, the staff is certainly here to perform their duty.

Why getting  surprised after all, why reporting your the normal daily  routine.. because it is based on my observation and on my daily sensation...

The  feeling of sorrow and guilt for myself  to be here is at its maximum...

I feel  really shocked as this is an ongoing situation.

At time this places smells poorly, it sounds  poorly with a lot of coursing and mean words.

Had I l to learn some bad words, this is the best place to learn for me. to witness and appreciate what a poor behavior is  like.

Very likely my kids have witnessed half of the bad words used at this place.

I mentioned to you all many times, the real world is outside, this is an artificial place...
Well, my point is that I can not accept nor identify with this place..

Why I am still  witnessing all of these aspects?

Has my soul been so bad and so poor to receive such a harsh punishment please?

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