Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Feb 22 2016

Last weekend I cleaned the all apartment as usual I like to keep it tight and as sharp as possible.

I cleaned the bathroom: sink, toilet, showers and floor

I cleaned the kitchen, the counters and the floor.

I run the vacuum cleaner in my room and in the living area.

I  washed all my sport attire, my own personal clothing.

After cleaning I prepared a letter for my family.
I did also add a drawing chart from Trader Joe's

During my last skying trip I  have purchased magnets for the boys at Big Bear .

I prepared a letter for my mom back in Italy. It is written in Italian.

I realized I got rusty writing in my native language.
After so many years in US I am more comfortable writing in English.

As usual last Friday I went to do Zumba with Caroline

Zumba is a nice way of doing cardio at the sound of music. I do a lot of movement.

She is always happy to stop by and to snap a picture with me. 

Afterward we had Cassie who was doing some light Yoga cardio move.
She mentioned that her grandma is doing fine.

I  took a nice walk in the park while my clothes were washing in the 500 building.

I was finally ready to go to Trader Joe's to purchase my grocery.

As  I was going home visiting Simona I purchased flowers for her. Little pink roses for my wife.
I also got coloring sheets for Lapo.

I spent $86.13.

As usual I greeted everybody, they were happy to see me over there one more time.

I was happy to get to see them as well. I buy good produce. I make sure the expiration date is within a reasonable date.

Kenvas is always happy to see me going over there.

I had  a new supply of stickers.

All good items.
The boys came to visit me with Simona.

You see the boys playing basketball near the Swain Center.

Simona came and took me back home for a couple of days.
The road was easy as there was not much traffic.

At home we enjoy the family. We had a very busy couple of days.
As I was over there Simona took the opportunity to do shopping at Costco.

Lapo decided to buy a kite bigger than he actually  is.

Simona got a full cart of produce for the house and a good bill to pay.

Simona  goes to Costco shopping once in a while.

I remember I used to go myself to Costco to do grocery one a month.
It is her turn  to go right now.

At home the boys are staying close together.

I had from the boys very nice Valentine Cards

 I will keep going later today.

Last Sunday the whole family  went to church as S.Bede in La Canada.

Over there we met familiar faces. In particular Monsignor Antonio was happy to see the whole family attending church. We all got communion but little Lapo. He  is too young. He has just started Sunday Church School.

The message at church was that during this  period of lent we maintain our faith and balance in God.

After church the boys  had their Sunday School.

We went back home picked up my traveling items and went back to collect the boys from their Sunday School. Chicco has already been doing communion and confirmation. I guess he is there to follow Lapo and to make the logistic aspects of handling the boys easier on Simona.

We then went to Starbucks.

Simona had  a coffee I had a latte each one of the boys had a little treat.

After Starbucks we  stopped to grab pizza at Blaze Pizza. 

We took the pizza to go  while the car was  being washed.

The car needs a wash once in a while, the kids are eating and spending a lot of time in it.

Once every few months it undergoes deep cleaning.

Here is the family eating lunch on the go.

Here you see me happy because of my good healthy choice: a Margarita pizza with veggy.

Ice tea as a drink. The boys enjoyed very much their pizza.

The boys had Margarita with sausage meat on it. :)

Simona stayed back waiting for the boys as she knew one of the boys was not going to eat it all.

Here is my Blaze pizza.. always good to eat it anyway

Finally it was time for the boys to go to Swimming at the Rosebowl
We had all a lot of fun. The boys had fun with Simona making bunny ears at her.

She enjoyed very much their attention.

After swimming Lapo was very tired and ended up falling asleep in the car.

I received  these pictures from my family back in Italy

My mother is here below, my younger brother at the left hand side.

This is a bowl of cozze

And some fish 

It has all been cooked by my brother Francesco.

The flowers are really pretty during this time of the year.

As usual in the morning I walk in the park of the apartment

I had my good lunch outside under the patio.

The  cooked chicken drumstick broth morphed into a gelatin as expected.

The veggy that are going with it are pairing the whole food very well.

Simona is well she is busy as always at Caltech University.

Enjoy the reading

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