Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday Feb 3 2015

Yesterday I received new razor heads  that Simona my wife sent me.

I changed it and added a stickers to the razor's base to mark when the heads got changed. It will last  about six month, this is written on the case.

At the apartment I cooked myself a great meal.
Chicken drum stick on  a bed of mixed veggy. First of all I diced carrots, celery, potatoes and onions.

Second I seared the chicken drumsticks on a non sticking pan.
In fact searing the meat keeps the moisture inside.

Finally It was ready to be insert in the oven which had been preheated at 350F.

Lapo was at home last night doing his homework as Chicco our eldest is with the school in Philadelphia.

I took a sephie with my white apron and sent it to the ones who cares about me.

While I was cooking I wrote to my kids and my wife.
It is OK

The usual activities: it is called THP (Therapeutic Home Program) 

It helps controlling and recovering my small movements for my hands.

I booked outing for Personal shopping. Yesterday it was the outing for Target.

At 5:45pm I collected the available  money (about $80
At 6:30pm it was the time for loading on the way to Target.

I spent $61.61 stuck to my list, got everything I needed to be well groomed. 

Because Simona took care of the razor heads I  did not buy  it. 

I made sure the change I had was correct down to the last penny.
Yes balancing a budget requires to be able to pay attention to the last cents.
When you do not have a credit card you have to pay attention to the change.

Personal Shopping is a necessary activity of life. Yet I do not like it at all. One way or another it manages to be an unpleasant experience for me.

In particular yesterday experience was very very unpleasant.

It was first of all late. Then we had to wait for everybody else to be done.

For  instance once inside the Target Store Mona stated she was taking as much time as she wanted.
We had to wait for her of course.

Second of all while there  GD had the chance of filling up on Coke drinking.. and more relevant on insulting me with his usual bad Spanish words.. the usual insult JD can came come up with. 

In my personal experience it is very predictable and very unpleasant.

And of course after the very unpleasant and distasteful  experience I duly  filed the following  complaint with CNS.

Farther  paaper work to document to the upper CNS management, Let it me Laree, Vanessa, Cristina or anyone of the upper management.

Standard procedure of course... nothing new 
This papers  is triggering a modification in behaviour and in procedure hopefully.

At time indeed it is making its effect.

Today it is a cold and nice day indeed. Look at the beautiful picture of the park below. The juxtaposition of the blue/white sky with the green grass. 

I also had the first part of my money management done today. It is the day for receipt of grocery shopping and outing. The former is a bit higher than expected  being at $86.45  while the latter is right on spot at $24.00. Regarding the outing I only spend movie outing,  a snack at the movie while 

 The  remaining money ($5.45) I gave it in charity at St. Philips the Apostle church so that I always balance the outing money. 

These are my simple and regular outing expenses.

Enjoy the reading.

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