Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday Feb 4 Thank you Miss Amanda

I prepared a good chicken Salad yesterday.
I used the chicken drum stick I cooked the other day, Mix it with Avocado, carrots and other healthy veggy. The chicken broth  made some wonderful gelatin.

While I was cooking I prepared a letter  for the boys, added a card that my mom sent me based on a drawing of mine. I sent it all to where I have been living until several years ago in La Canada.

I addressed to Simona the current head of the household.

Finally I went to the gym. I did cycle with Cassie at my right hand side. Extending my legs fully.

Finally I had body pump with Sylvia, a lot of rep and light weight so that to protect my body against further injuries.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave and I was ready to go.
Alex made sure  I was catching on time the van.

Today is a very nice and cold day in Bakersfield
I completed my money management program ($75 for grocery and $24 for outing)

I called Lapo at home and he was all cheerful.
Simona is as always busy with many meeting at Caltech.
Enjoy your day.
Thank you Miss Amanda for assuming the responsibility of  caring for me.


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