Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Feb 1 post lunch

I had a good light lunch, vegetable broth with Orzo and a pear.

It is all good.
Simona called me letting me know that Chicco has left this morning.

She took  Chicco at school very early and from there he went with his class to the airport.

She obviously brought Lapo with her as well.

 Once they were back she got  a hot chocolate for the both of them and took Lapo to Elementary  School.

She then proceeded to go to Caltech.

She is fine and very glad to be as strong as ever.

After lunch I did some the stretch for my eyes that Tami recommended me to do.
Following a pen around the four corners in a  diamond fashion.

Trying to keep my head steady following my OT exercise.

My injury affected my motor control in the fact that my cerebellum got off its normal functionality.

This picture is from the web at the following link.

The  cerebellum contains about 50% of the neurons in the brain and it account for about 10% of its volume,

It modifies the brain waves that are initiated on the brain and helps making all the motion more accurate and smooth.

The cerebellum helps controlling the balance and making adjustment to maintain the correct posture.

Patients that suffered cerebellum damage have problem controlling their equilibrium and often devise strategies to modify their posture.

This is the reason why in the past I had back pain. At time my back is soar and suffers from pain.

I now understand that it is due to my posture.
I  found that sleeping without a pillow makes my back feeling better. I keep my back straight and carry only light weight on my back pack. I am using it on both shoulders. It is fine that way.
Enjoy the reading,


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