Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday Feb 9 2017

I am looking forward to receiving a plan regarding my staying at CNS. I have been around since January 2012, along this time I have not been given any word by anybody.

I asked it several times yet nobody came forward in providing me with a written plan...

Ideally it would be the basis for a two way conversation on all the subject matter.

All I have in a simple document that saying along the same line: time to attend to AAC, time to go to the gym, time to clean -if you find things in the apartment to alert Giuseppe please let him know he should clear his plate etc etc, scaring to enumerate.

II am frustrated and fully give up any believe I am going to receive any matching action from my requests.

The current unhappiness stems from the fact that in my job I was used to provide my customers with such a plan whenever they needed one.

We were sitting together at  a table and discuss it. I was providing them with several copies during the conversation so that they could take as many notes as they wanted.

Obviously this is a different business all together.

Yet to my opinion the guidelines remain to fulfill  your customers requests and expectation.

Finally I am having my lunch outside..

A great filling of staying outside...

Yesterday evening as usual I prepared dinner for myself.

Chicken drums stick and a healthy arugula salad.

As I was cooking the chicken I picked up some of the Rosemary from the CNS garden.

I carefully washed it and sprinkled it on the chicken.

After my dinner I went to the gym.
It was my day for Yoga with Lilli.
At the gym I was approached by Cassie. She mentioned last Sunday she had to deal with a plumbing issue at the house. Her mom and herself had no time for going to S. Philip the Apostle church.

Afterward Yoga I did cycle with Lolita.. Fully extending my legs.

Finally I was waiting for transportation to pick me up - they are supposed to come  by 7 p.m but, at 7:30pm I was still left there at the gym.

Miss Amani was at the gym with me. 
She has a leg injury -she has torn her ligament.
She was wearing a light cast to her leg.

When she noticed the time I was left over there she shook her head in sign of disapproval.
I told her it was not the first time and it will not  be the last time I was left there.

At the gym I greeted all the people that are normally with me at the gym: Maria, Damian, Gym, Richard. 

At 7:30 finally Sam the RTC came to pick me up.

I  asked Sam about the difference between RTC and IPC. She answered that RTC is for short term staying patients.

An IPC like Jesus is for chronically ill people and long staying people like me. 

In fact I came at CNS on January 1012 about 5 years ago

The date of my injury is October 20 2010.

This morning I did my usual routine.

Took a stroll in the park, got picture of things that looks interesting, thrown the trash around the apartment.

This morning plants is a cactus at the apartment.

The park looks wide open and peaceful

My mom is doing well.
She sent me this picture of her  lunch. A healthy salad and fusilli pasta.

She mentioned she prepared an apple tart.
She is going to be at dinner with Sara my brother's wife.

My brother Francesco is currently in Germany because of his work.

My mom is going to visit Sara and they are going to watch together the show called   "Festival of S. Remo" 

 This is a yearly show that present many contenders and it is based on ..singing skills.

Recently I was able to get in touch with many people from Italy using Whattsapp messenger.

Costanza sent me the following picture of  a school reunion they recently did.
I recognized most of my school mates. 

We were at the Liceo Scientifico Messedaglia. This is the 1986  fifth grade( and last)

Costanza, Enzo, Cristian, Giulia, Anna O. , Elisa, Luisa, Cristina, Carlo, Anna L.. other familiar faces I can not put a name with.

Enjoy the reading

Thank you Guys it is great seeing you all reunited.

Q: What tastes better than it smells?
A: the tongue..


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