Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Feb 19 2016

Simona and the boys are fine.
This morning I went to AAC,  due to on going construction over there I was offered by the sup to come back to the apartment.
So today I  am working from the apartment.  Simona was alarmed I confirmed with her that it is all OK.

While at the apartment I took advantage of my time and I cleaned the kitchen floor. I run the vacuum cleaner for the carpet of the whole apartment.

I then washed the floor with the Swiffer. As I had run out of cleaning tool I went down to the maintenance department and get a new supply of Swiffer from Britney


I also otok advantage of cleaning  my  bathroom.

Surfaces and floor

The whole apartment smells really well.

My room is fine and in order.

I ate the lunch that I had brought to the AAC: zucchini squash cooked in the oven and a rice salad.

I enjoy cooking very much. I make sure I am eating first what needs to be used within that day. I  try my best in making sure the food is always up to date.

Yesterday in the evening I went to the gym and had Zumba with Mike.

Later I had cycle with Britney here showed at my right hand side. She is a school teacher and she is  always telling  interesting stories about her days at school and about her students.

At the gym Lee introduced himself. He is a very nice person.

David did my coverage while at the gym.

Today is a beautiful day outside as you can see from this picture.

The flowers are blossoming  and are really pleasant to watch and to capture using my phone.

here is a nice quote by Sigmund Freud
 " From error to error one discover the entire truth"

Enjoy the reading.  I am going to write to my kids

Coloring page for Lapo

The boys are set with simple magnets for the fridge.

I purchased it during my skiing trip at Big Bear

Finally I wrote a letter to my mom in Italy and I sent it today

I am getting rusty writing in Italian perhaps I should consider the option of writing a bit more in the near future

Enjoy the reading


1 comment:

  1. Ciao Giuseppe se hai voglia di fare un po di esercizio in italiano io sono disponibile. Comunque mi sembra che tu non ne abbia bisogno buon fine settimana Giulia
