Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday Feb 25

I have been doing my best. I have been keeping my apartment tight.
I clean it at my best on a regular basis. Whenever I see it needs something I am on it. I am Proactive.

Today I run out of sponges, I went down to maintenance to get some.

Yesterday in the afternoon  it was the outing schedule day.
I distributed the outing schedule  at  the apartment complex.

At 5pm I booked for movie for this Saturday.

I always go at the movie on a Saturday afternoon at the Maya theater.

On Friday evening I enjoy working out by having  Zumba Toning at the gym. Carolyn leads the class.

Yesterday  evening I had a good an healthy dinner.

 Butternut squash pasta with a healthy arugula salad with cherry tomatoes and carrots.

I added some black olive as well.
Homemade Italian dressing: Olive Oil, Balsamic vinegar and a tad of salt.

We all need to be careful with the salt intake.

Too much salt in the diet make the blood pressure increasing to unhealthy level.

 Later it was time for me to go to the gym.

I had stationary cycle with Cassie. She is the smiling lady at my right hand side beside me.

  I kept the pace of my  cycling rhythm locked to the music pace.
 It is the way it goes at the gym. She is encouraging the whole class to follow her lead.

She is repeating: "Yes I can do it, I have a goal to reach, I stay focused on my goal"

At the end of the class she was encouraging us to reflect on the following positive aspects:

- how well our  effort of the class had  gone
-what the effort of the  hour spent over there was like.

At the gym the usual familiar people. Damian, Georgia and a few others.
I did not see Pete nor his wife Michelle.

I greeted Janice and Larry her husband.

They are both good persons. I always stop by and greet them all.

 I met once Cassie with her grandma at church at S. Philips the Apostle here in Bakersfield.

After working on my stationary cycle skills  it was time to do body pump with Sylvia.

I did a lot of repetitions and stayed light.

I  have been doing my best in bending my legs and in keeping my balance. 
Using my core is key in making steady progress.

Sylvia concurred with me not to overcharge my body with necessary weights.
We are all regular of her class, some other people have better physical skills than me, I am fully aware of my current limitations. I am working hard in staying withing my current capabilities.

I have injured my back some time ago, it is a strained  back muscle.
At time it still hurts, I am trying to keep a good posture. It has been improving slowly and steadily.
The goal for me is to protect my back and my progress.

Both aspects of my physical recovery are a work in progress as you know very well.

Before leaving I greeted Sylvia and as she was in the middle of the class I did not want to bug her with a picture.

I also had time to  weigh myself.  On Feb 24 my weight is 180lb. 

According to Simona I am still 5 pounds above my ideal weight. 
It is 2.7% above my ideal weight... practically I am there. I need to keep it steady.

Anyway I am feeling well the way I am  right now.

Today is a warm Californian day.
The temperature is  steadily increasing.

I had my second parts of Money Management completed.  
As usual I had $75 for grocery and $24 for outing. 

The outing money for me is always on the spot, between movie, snack and church I have it perfectly balanced  down to the single cents.

The grocery shopping is still the point where I am getting off.

At time  I bought  too much.  I got hooked on certain products that I purchased with the notion I am going to use them at some later point. 

The morning hours are still cool and pleasant, the evening hours are warmer still.

At the park I did my usual walking around. I snapped a panorama view and kept a steady hand to get a good panorama shot.

It took me a couple of trials to reach my goal, the result is very nice.

This morning my brother Francesco called me from Italy.
He mentioned that out of his two cats one went missing. The missing one's name is Farang.
The other cat's name is Morgana.
Francesco told me that most likely Farang felt that he was going to die. 

He left the house to die in the open field  alone by itself.

Francesco gave me this explanation. 

Francesco was hoping to take care of Farang until its last hour.

Well it is gone the way it is gone.

My mother emailed me to let me know my two letters to her arrived. I wrote her and sent my letter to Italy. It is a gesture of  caring for my mother.
She is a good woman.

Not surprisingly I had a great lunch based on yesterday evening dinner.

While I was eating lunch outside under the patio I called my mother in Italy.

She mentioned she received my letter and post card I sent her last Wednesday.
I purchased the post card at Bear Lake last week. The post card is of Cedar Lake. The letter is from me written in Italian. I sent it all to Verona addressed to my mom.

She mentioned she  is doing well and  devotes her time to attending conferences and interesting events.  My mother likes art events and cultural happening.
She is doing her best to keep an active life.
She depends on public transportation in Verona to get around town.

Nutrition recommendation from the following link.

Seafood, white-meat  Poultry, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Egg, beans.

High protein diary
 Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, low fat Swiss Cheese,
Eggs, Milk 2%, Tilapia, Quinoa, Ademame etc etc

Enjoy the reading

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