Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Feb 29 2016

It is the last day of the month of February.

Normally February has 28 days. Once every four years it has 29 days.
Whenever it happens it is called a Leap year.

This trick allows the synchronization of the Gregorian Calendar with the orbit of the planet Earth around the sun.  Enjoy the day as it will not come before 2020.

The activities for the weekend have already added as I have been working a lot.
Good breakfast as usual, a lot of healthy food.

Oatmeal, milk, granola, blueberry,  yogurt and a lot of good dark coffee.

The local flowers are really beautiful. The camellia are blossoming.

As it is getting hot, I started wearing shorts again.

First observation I need to tan a bit.

Second observation is that my weak capillary system  is  showing around.

I have birth marks on my left leg on my calf. On the back of my left arm.
On the left side of my belly. It is all coming together with my original brain injury located on my right side of the brain. If you are interested in reading about it, it is like last time at the following link. AVM.

There are also 
interesting medical chart to read, here is an example of it.

Here is some more pictorial information.

I match the following sites: Head (right), arm (left) leg (left) and stomach (left side)

Quite amazing there is an explanation for everything...

Back in Italy my family is well.
My mother had a very busy weekend, She attended a conference.
She likes to be in place with people around her. She was making the point that she likes the social aspect of the experience.
Here is the cat of my brother Francesco. 
The cat's name is Farang.  He is a very happy cat indeed.

 Time for lunch. I had a good lunch, is a warmer day (21C) I put shorts on and it is still too early for it. 

I had a left over salad, a lot of carbs and a bit of chicken breast.
As a side I had a couple of 

At the AAC I have been reading the daily newspapers and news of the day.
I have been checking on my blogs, had lunch outside, washed my mounts carefully and  I am working more and more on my blog. Checking the spelling and the accuracy of the events.

Enjoy the reading

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