Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Feb 5 2016

Simona and the boys are fine.
Simona called me early this morning telling me she will be busy all the day.

Lapo going cheerfully going to school while Chicco will come back from Philly late tonight.

Yesterday evening I went to the house of Hope with Miss Amanda. Over there every body was really friendly and happy to see me.
I snapped a picture of Hope the parrot. He is a very nice bird. He is kept in the office of Mr. Dr. Kilby Sir.

I worked a bit over there copying an invitation to a marriage. It was done using the latest Microsoft Words Version, A feature packed version of the latest release, I believe it is MS 10.
Afterward it was time for me to go back to the apartment.
Over there I cooked turkey cutlet rolled on bread crumbs.

First of all I seared it using a non sticking pan

Afterward I put it in the oven and cooked for 40 minutes.

I cut in it the cooked zucchini I had available. 
I do not like to waste food and whenever I can I am using all I can.

I then made a healthy salad: arugula, tomatoes, avocado, carrot and nuts.

Simple dressing: Olive Oil and balsamic vinegar.

I was cooking and wanted to write to my family.  Also I prepared an accurate grocery list. 
I did not go to my Zumba gym. Instead I remained busy with all these activity at home (THP: Therapeutic Home Program)

I sent a letter to my mom in Italy, written in Italian

I also sent a letter to my wife and kids in La Canada, written in English and block letter.

With Simona we had a moment of laugh. I was telling her I started writing to my kids about Simona going away for a few days. Then half way trough it I realized she had gone nowhere yet rather it was Chicco who went with the school to Philadelphia.

She kidded with me thinking about how Lapo would have felt knowing she had left for a while.

A good thought is the Serenity Prayer: Focus on the things you can change .. this is a better version on the Serenity Prayer.

I have been sent this picture of my high school class in Verona at the Liceo Scientifico Messedaglia

The reunion is for  class of Quinta B.  I recognize a few people  of the picture below: Anna next to Elisa. Giulia my good friend Enzo standing on the left next to the light. 
Cristian sat down next to Enzo. Costanza is on the back. Hard to believe it has been 30 years ago..

I did my usual walk in the park this morning. I enjoying taking an HDR picture of the peaceful park.

A great relaxing view. As usual the green color is really relaxing to watch. It is captured really well by the phone's camera. 

The green color is sampled twice in an imager with standard Bayer color filter.

In imaging the green is a key element on any picture.

Near the Swain Center at the apartment I snapped this picture of  a violet flower.

The flowers are ready. Good job to everybody.

Enjoy the reading


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