Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday February 28

I first start to resume my activities of last Saturday.

I  cleaned the whole apartment, I went next to the 500 building where many washer and drier machines are available. I was able to take care of all my personal clothes as a well as house  items.

I end up the week with so many items to wash and clean: sport attire, jeans, Shirts... you name it I have it.

I finally went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's the place where I  like to shop

I stayed focused on  my list sway away from the marketing of new products.
 I did pretty well as  I spent $78,35 certainly within the reach of my current budget of $75.00

I  got  a new supply of stickers and I had the usual tickets for the raffle as I brought back the reusable bags.

Last Saturday Feb 27 I also wrote a letter to my boys

For the time  being I am keeping it here at the apartment. I am going to sent it back home in La Canada to mu family in the near future.

Then I went to the movie .

I greeted Morgana, she mentioned her school  is going fine.

As usual we exchanged information about my family doing.
I snapped a picture of her smiling.

 I  got a green tea and Edamame snack.  

At the movie theater the concession has started to sell good healthy snacks.
I changed my personal preferences.
I have not been drinking any sodas since a long time (nor I have any craving for it)

Recently I stopped  having the ice cream (Dibbs) as well

You see in life  all you need is making the decision to stop having something and that is it.
As it is said "Alea Iacta Est

I went with the soy beans (Edamame) and a green tea at the concession stand.

Both foods healthy an enjoyable.

The movie  was quite an experience (sarcastically speaking of course). 

A real peace of artwork, filled with a really great plot and acting. 
The movie itself has suffered for poor public appreciation. 
You can check the fact here.

Here is a nice quote from the following website.

Zoolander‘, while far from a bad movie and has a couple of laughs, has a scatter-shot tone, weak characters and couldn’t strike the right balance between being a satire of the fashion industry and also be a spy/mystery film. But since nostalgia is selling in Hollywood, comedians are looking for any movie to make a sequel for regardless of how much or how little fans are clamoring for it. The original movie wasn’t a box-office hit when it came out but I’m sure it had a fan-base that have been begging for 15 years for the continuation of Derek Zoolander’s story. However, after seeing it, I’m sure those people now their lives full of deep regret.

As usual on Sunday morning I went first to church at S. Philip the  Apostle on Stockdale Hwy.

The congregation is getting ready for Easter Sunday. The gospel of the day is that Jesus appeared to a Samaritan woman and talked about her believes. 

The church was packed, I found seating at some point next to a kind couple. At church I greeted miss Caroline as well.

There are new priests more malleable and more in tune with the audience and above all with the current world.

The previous priest was an old style person, not a bad one, yet he was very predictable in his repetitive topics. I personally had never liked it that much.

After church It was time for me to go to the gym.

On Sunday I have my own personal program to do at the gym. I normally do a lot of stepper.

 This time I switched it and worked on different parts of my body.

I focused my exercise  on my lower extremity strength (i.e. on my legs) a lot of repetition for all sort of my legs muscle: front tights, quadriceps and calf.

In addition I  worked on my inner core (abdominal) for my stability.

 My body felt  really well.

Diego did my coverage a the gym from 2pm to 3 pm. 

At 3pm I was ready to leave the gym per the agreement with him.

While at the gym I took my weight.
 On Feb 28th it  is unchanged at 180lb

I then came back to the apartment got a shower and dinner

I used the chicken breast I had cooked beforehand.

I mixed it with Arugula Salad, carrot,  pearl tomatoes, nuts and mozzarella ball.

It sounds really good, as it was delicious to me,

I partitioned the salad in half. Half for dinner and half for lunch the next day.

My wife Simona and the boys had a very busy day
When I called her she was cooking for the week.

Enjoy the reading.. 


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