Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Sept 16 2017

Well, I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope. A  foster care Agency that is taking care of foster children in town. It provides services such as homes, lunch, healthcare.

The homes of hope has a nice chapel and space for reception. It is often rented out for wedding and banquet. A nice way to supply a service to the local community.

As the Chapel is in a church setting and within the city of Bakersfield limit there are guidelines that need to be followed.

These are making sure the Catholic church area is respected.

Also it makes sure the city of Bakersfield ordinance for banquet, noise on public order is fulfilled.

The are many people at the homes of hope that take care of preserving the service to the community.

I am coming here every day except Saturday and Sunday as a volunteering placement.

I do help around in the office. Today Brandon gave a stack of paper receipt  to sort in order of date.

I normally work in the office at my best.

Let's go back to the activities of the day.

Simona is always busy with her job at Caltech. She has a very important and critical job to do.

She is fully focused on performing her tasks at her best.

Our kids our busy as always at home. They are going to school, play piano, play soccer and whatever post school activities of the day they have.

Of course they are very focused on their homework.

Our eldest Chicco is studying a lot, he is a very responsible and present student.

His brother Lapo is following suit. Lapo like to spend times playing around.

He is much younger than Chicco. Lapo is 7 while Chicco is 12. There is a clear age difference there.

My day yesterday went along my activity of a normal Thursday.

I first did an accurate grocery list so that I will not double buy on food that I already have at the apartment.

After providing my grocery list at CNS I went to the gym.

I had first Zumba and later Cycle.

Zumba was with Caroline in light blue shirt.

Sira is next to me with sun glasses.

Norman was at the gym as well in dark shirt.

After Zumba I had a cycle class.

The instructor was a new person. Her name is Alma.

This class uses static cycles and the instructor tells us to modulate the resistance of the cycle to simulate a real life condition.

I like it and enjoy my gym time. I am always setting my bike on high as high as my legs so that I can fully extend my legs.

 The instructor has told us a way to measure with our legs  how height  to regulate the saddle.

So here we go I am happily working at the gym.

Finally at 7pm my time at the gym is over, meaning the coverage for me at the gym is out and for me it is time to stretch - always stretching- and to leave.

I am then going back to the apartment, an NRS from CNS is driving back.

At the apartment I normally have a protein shake, a shower and take my night sleep.

I wait until 9pm and then get my ambien (sleeping aid) before turning off the light.

I sleep well and wake up fully rested a bit before 6am.

I normally call home and I found the  boys. Yesterday Anna told me that Lapo was very busy doing his homework. Our youngest Lapo is eager to learn and follow suit is eldest brother Chicco.

Both boys are very diligent in their activities after school.

They are doing their best as homework.

Anyway we are all proud and supportive of their activities.

This morning I had a good breakfast as always

Cereals, blueberry, milk and coffee.

It is time to get some grocery shopping over the weekend as  I see my fridge emptying during  the week.

This is a Rose from Verona, Italy.

Enjoy the reading

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