Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday Sept 14 2016

All  the phone numbers  in the area are down. It is a local carrier issue. I can reach home in La Canada. Also I can reach my wife on her cell phone. However the local phone numbers in Bakersfield are unreachable since yesterday..

Yesterday evening I came back at the apartment  from the AAC and cooked a healthy vegetable soup.

I chopped the celery, carrots and onions to make a soffritto.

I used Coconut Oil  to cook the soffritto.  It is good for high temperature cooking.

the broth  cooked for 40 minutes. In the process I added a bouillon vegetable cube from Simona.

When the broth was ready I  added a couple of polpette (meatball) I had prepared before.

This is what it looks like.

After cooking I added Olive Oil and shredded Parmesan Cheese 

Here is the results.

Afterward I went to the gym. As always I had body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike,

At Zumba time the gym is really packed. I have my little spot on the far back. I do not dare to go in the front as the ladies over there are very sensitive to the packing order.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave and to come back.
Obviously the phone did not work.
Nobody showed up at the desired time.
It is OK, I came back from the gym by myself by  walking. 

I know the way around this part of town.

Obviously I am respectful of the street sign, I  pay attention to the car directions and always cross the street when  the green light sign come on.

Good pedestrian do pay attention to traffic and yield to traffic.

After my work out I had a protein shake. Hemp protein and milk.

I slept well, got all my meds for sleeping.

I wake up at 6am as always. Got started on my day.

Simona always tells me eat what you like.

So here is a good breakfast.
High Fiber cereal, whole milk, blueberry.

Chia seeds and yogurt.

Simona and the kids are fine. As always Simona took the boys to school.

They were cheerful and happy to start their day.

Today I had the first part of the money management completed.
It is the receipt day 

Enjoy the reading

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