Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday September 22 2016

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope.
A place where I like to do some simple voluntary work.

I have a desk and a PC laptop. 

Whenever I come here I bring stickers for all the foster kids at the center.

They have a spark of joy in their eyes.

They play and use the stickers immediately. It is a good gesture.
I become known as the sticker man.

I am the sticker man for all of them.

Yesterday evening I distributed the latest schedule for the week. At 5pm I booked for the Maya theater on Saturday afternoon.

Finally I cooked my dinner. I cooked by myself a good frittata with the left risotto.

As always I am using Coconut Oil for cooking (the white paste in the pan)

I was taken then to the gym with another patient.

While he was doing his routine I had the chance of doing mine.

You at time CNS takes me to the gym with other patients, some of them are behavioral in gergo, some are more than other. I know I am not infringing any rules because this is the actual truth of the matter.

I had cycle and body combat.
Cycle is for making me extending my legs.
Body combat is a good cardio with a little jumping.
Sylvia leads the class.
She is really motivating 
She is referring to us as you people are working hard.

My breakfast for this morning has been always as healthy as usual

This morning I completed  my money management program. It captures my  necessity with the following financial data
$24 for activities called outing and $75 for grocery that covers food.

Panem et circenses as they used to say.

My usual picture of this morning near the apartment.

It is getting cooler.

I need to remember to use better socks and to bring  a sweater with me.

What trick me is my mind. I always get mistaken in the way I dress in the morning.
At the park I took the daily newspapers and has I found two quarters at the paper kiosk I gave it back to the reception. You see you build trust on me based on telling always the true and in acting in the correct way.

I called my mom in Italy this morning. She is doing well. She was wondering about the status of my family. I gave her the relevant news  to confirm everybody is well.

Whenever I call them at home I found either one of the kids sleeping in the morning.

We talked about our kids. I told her I am OK in being left on the side by them.

It is a form of blocking out the fact they are where they are and I am in a different place.
It is OK. I have accepted it

Enjoy the reading lunch time.

After lunch some work for Homes of Hope

Brandon gave me a document in Excel to print out. It needed to be printed two field in one top to bottom.
I looked around the settings for printing and I figure out it was faster for me to do the same document with two field as it needed to be printed. So I re did the document in Excel as it is supposed to be printed and here we go. It is perfectly done using Excel.

It can be tweaked as one wishes and likes.

Here we go the snap shot of the file 
Good intuition comes with a good work.

Enjoy the reading.

This afternoon, in order..
Grocery shopping list (accurate so that I do not buy too much).
Well let's pretend I believe it.
I will go to the gym

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