Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sept 6 Tuesday

Already. let's go back to add a few elements.

This morning maintenance gave me an empty spray bottle.

I  was given the other day a cigarette. I brake it into fine parts and let it soak over night.

The water so obtained has become a a natural  insects repellent for my flowers.

Over the weekend Simona came to visit for the day

We went to California Pizza Kitchen.

Her mom was with her as well. However Anna does not like to be in any picture.

On Labor day I spent time cleaning the apartment.
I like to keep it as clean as possible.

As a result of my cleaning spree I find myself quite often short of cleaning supply.

Hopefully today Lupe is going to take care of it.

Over the weekend I went to S. Philippe Church

I was taken back as at church they completely have glimpsed over  a salient fact.

Mother Teresa was elevated to Sainthood.

Now I understand that what happens in Rome appears far away from Bakersfield.
I understand here we are in a small town far away from the the big facts of the world.
However there is still a world outside Bakersfield that is going on with everything.
Apparently people in Bakersfield tend to forget there is a place outside Bakersfield

I wrote to my kids a long letter as well. To keep myself busy and to give them something to read

I made a good lentil soup. I had some frozen meat ball to add to it.

On Sept 4 I  I went to the gym as well

I was dropped to the gym and after working out I came back by myself.
In this way I could work out a lot on the stepper. I was able to do a bit more than 3 miles.

My weight is as following

On Friday as always after therapy I went to the gym 
I had Zumba with Misty

I have to say I am a very avid gym members.
I work out almost every day,, or as much as I can.

I like it as I am in control on the schedule and in control of the environment.

I  do not like to relinquish control as you know very well.

I sent a letter to my mother in Italy

On September 4 I went to do grocery shopping 

I greeted Jamie. She mentioned that she was going to Disneyland with her daughter Delaney.

I spent $124.34

Obviously Simona was annoyed by this fact. She is telling me I am spending too much money.

Perhaps I should start going to Walmart or Winco to save money so that Simona is happy once for ever.

Mon amour the alternative is for you to bring me more food at CNS.

They are your choice.
In the meantime, please just keep my personal account full with money.

I like to eat well and eat healthy,,, so here it is to the extend I am here I keep spending this amount of money.  

Enjoy the reading.

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