Monday, September 26, 2016

Sept 26 Monday

Last Friday I went to the gym.
As always I had Zumba with Caroline.

At the gym I met all the good people of the environment.

Lee, Arjit and all the nice people at the gym.

I had a good exercise at the gym as always.

I like to be by myself and doing things by myself.

I hence appreciate being left alone as much as possible. I am fully independent for the time being.

Yet I am dependent fully out of the courtesy of CNS.

There is a large difference of opinion and behaviour at CNS.

Damage to the frontal lobes of the brain is removing all the break that one has in its own behaviour.

I was taken to the gym with a group of other patients. Crass jokes and a lot of testosterone based jokes.
I did not enjoy the experience.
As a result of this experience I filled in a form that is used at CNS to provide feedback.

On Saturday morning the usual ADL (Activity of Daily Leaving)

I focused on deeper cleaning as I like to have a clean apartment.

The second bedroom was cleaned as well. Nobody leaves there anyway yet I keep it clean.

Cleaning the carpet of the living room

This is my bedroom with the new linen for the week.
I was cleaning the carpet with the vacuum cleaner.

For the bathroom I used the proper cleaning products .

I also washed the floor for the restroom first.

Later and using a different swipe I washed the floor for the kitchen

Also I washed all my clothes and sport attire. Changed my beds.. it is pretty obvious to me.

Of course there is always a good house cleaning  when you take the initiative to do things by yourself.

The baseboard was carefully cleaned from the  accumulated dust.

At 10:30 am I went to Trader Joe's 

I  gave Jamie a Halloween pin I had purchased at the reception of CNS.

It is for her daughter Delaney.

She appreciated my gesture.

As always I had a lot of fun shopping there 

My bill was rather contained. Only $89.56
It is OK, I am eating healthy and staying healthy.
I buy a lot of fresh and Organic food.

I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote it  in Italian and sent it to her in Italy.
Writing in Italian for me is getting better and better. I am now refreshing the use of the language.

I learned to keep my mother address private.  So I have covered it.

In the evening I went to see a nice movie "The Magnificent Seven"

A good movie with Denzel Washington.

Seven skilled people come together to save a village from a bunch of villains.

I enjoyed the movie. It was played in MPX technology. 

A 3D sound experience that make the sound immersive.

In the morning our  kids went to play soccer 
Our eldest is Chicco.
You see him all suited up and ready to go.

Our youngest is Lapo.

He is a cute little boy.

Taking care of the apartment I showed my RTC  a small carpet corner that had to be taken care.
It has come apart with time.

At CNS they are all activated because of it.
It is going to be taken care within a few days.

The local flowers at the CNS garden are always beautiful

This is a picture I found on Vianney's computer. Great colours.

Last Sunday I went to  St. Philip the Apostle church
The message that everybody is equal on earth as death will be equalizing  everybody.

The reading of the Gospel was about the parable of  Lazarus.

 In the parable there was a rich man who run a very dissolute life. He has no name only 'a rich man'.
On the other hand Lazarus was the man of faith and hardship. He believed in God and in God rested his faith.  Lazarus had pity from God because he run a very hard life.Once the rich man passed away he did not   receive any pity from God. He was seens a person squandering his own  talents and good fortune. To me the message was clear: you have to do your best under any circumstance or difficult situation and believe that  God will be there to help you.

God sees everything we do in life.

After church I went back at the apartment. A quick and good lunch and then gym time.
I signed out from the apartment at 2:12 pm and walked to the gym. I arrived at 2:45pm

I  carefully crossed the local streets with the green light and reached my destination  in about 20 minutes.

At the gym I have a lot of physical activity to do.
 First I called CNS to let them know about my whereabout.

I  worked on the stairmaster at two progressively difficult levels.

Level 5 and level 9. This is a good cardio for my legs. The latter is faster than the former.

In  total I stayed on the stairmaster for 21 minute and did 1.9 miles.

I worked on Abdominal crunch, leg sled, leg curl.
Here is my program. It is based on repetition and staying light.

      • Abdominal crunch  4x20x40lb
      • Leg Sled 4x20x60lb 
      • Leg curl 4x20x74lb

Before leaving I accurately stretched and took my weight on the analog scale. 

Right now I am stable at 175 lb

I then called CNS to let them know I was walking back at the apartment by myself.

At the gym I met Leon and his wife Suzy. They told me that for the next two weeks they are going to be in Chattanooga Tennessee for Leon's  naval school reunion. 

So I left the gym at 4pm. I walked my way back to the apartment and   signed back  at 4:40pm

At the apartment I had a soothing shower and got down to making dinner.

It was time for me to use the Knorr rice I had  at the apartment. 
It is from Simona's mom.

It is yellow rice  as it has Saffron in it (risotto allo Zafferano)

I had a good and healthy dinner.

I watched some news drinking a cold sparkling water.

As I sent the picture above to my mother in Italy, she sent me back the picture below.

It is the same approach to the evening.

My mother watched a movie. It is an old black and white movie " Mr Smith goes to Washington" .
It is  with James Stewart and the movie director is  Frank Capra.

I slept well and wake up fully rested
I had a good breakfast

The boys went to school I greeted both.
Today they both have Taekwondo.
Simona was busy with final exams at Caltech.

They had a tough candidate to take care.

While coming on the van an NRS Stacey told me that she has a 3 month old granddaughter

Her name is Izabella.

I am writing to you from Homes of Hope a Foster Parent Training Center in Bakersfield.
It is a good agency that takes care of the Local kids.

Enjoy the reading

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