Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday September 19 2016

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope a Foster Care Agency here in town.
It is located in Old Town Kern.

I like being here. Every working day I am here I bring stickers for the kids here. They rejoice and look to me happy for a bit.

It is a good gesture that makes my day.

The weekend has been busy with many activities.

Last Friday I went to the gym. I had Zumba class with Caroline fun fitness.

At the gym Sira was was part of the sport activity.

I am as much as possible at the gym. A place I really like to be.
Afterward I had static cycle with Alma

I set my saddle on high so that to fully distend my legs.

At the end at 7pm It was time for me to leave and go back to the apartment.

I stretched accurately and head off as the CNS van was waiting for me.

I got on the usual routine of the evening. Shower, snack meds

I slept well and went on with my day
Saturday December 17

As always the weekend was spent in home cleaning tasks.

I took care of cleaning the whole apartment.

I washed all my clothes and linen. Obviously I  changed the bed.Washed my bathrobe and towels.

I also took care of the bathroom and of the floor in the kitchen

I vacuumed the carpet in the leaving room

As I was on it I took care of cleaning the carpet on both bedrooms.

In the morning I went to Trader Joe's. Jamie greeted me and said  she is fine.

I shopped all good and most organic food. I  had a lot of fun. and replenished my stickers supply for the kids.

I spent $110.05 (Opps)

During my day I made   time to write a letter to the boys

I sent the letter back home

In the evening I went to see a good movies: Bridge Jones's baby

I know that Simona would have loved to see it.

I went ahead and watched on her behalf. It received a thumb up approval.

At home the boys are fine. Our youngest Lapo has been noticing that my mother in law Anna tends to clean too much the house. She obviously it taking care of those extra cleaning  tasks that are done once in a while.  This matter has been striking Lapo's attention. 
Anna calls him Lapolino (little Lapo)

I also wrote another letter to the boys. Keeping myself busy.

Last Sunday Sept 18 I went to church at S. Philips the Apostle 

It is a very nice community of people.

Every person is a brother and sister in the world.

I  gave a donation of $5.75 ( the whole outing money left).

At church I met Luis and his wife. They are two people I know from the gym activity.

After church it was time for a quick lunch and  to go to the gym.

I signed out from CNS at 1:45pm. Walked to the gym and followed my own program

I focused on 45 minutes of stepper at level 5. I reached a total of 3.7 miles

I then worked on my core abdominal. Some more legs and stretching accurately before leaving.

At the gym I took my weight -analog.
it is 176lb

Also the digital scale I have at home confirms this measure

At the Homes of Hope I  brought  a full meal.

Left over Carbonara pasta, left over chicken and a freshly made salad.

Enjoy the reading

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