Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday September 13

A breezy day today. I am wearing jeans and my gap sweater.

It is hard to predict how warm is going to be the weather like.

Anyway I took a good stroll at the nearby park as always.

The peace  and uncontaminated air of the morning is a great feeling.

It only lasts so long as suddenly I am plunged into the mix. This morning I had to wait for the bus at the reception in order to escape the smokers. I  had to devise this trick as I am getting sick by  all second  hand smoke I am subjected to while at CNS in Bakersfield.

As a matter of fact yesterday I was sick to my stomach and nursing gave me some Milanta.

Laree  mentioned that patients have right to smoke. It is hard to argue with this matter.
It is also hard to argue with the nursing medication log as a result of your liberal policies.

I will take as much Milanta as necessary in order to settle my stomach.

Whenever I was going to Japan for business people were heavy smokers as as well over there.
At the time it was OK, it was my work that was taking me over there.
Here it is a different kind of environment all together let leave it to that.

Anyway yesterday the usual activities of a  Monday
 I cooked my dinner by first steaming  broccoli in water. Then I I cooked it by mix it with two eggs. I  added milk, spices and salt.

It cooked on the stove with Olive Oil for a while until ready. As it contains eggs it has to be well cooked.

After dinner I went to the gym. My real place to be.

Yoga with  Lilli and then static  Cycle with Lolita.

At the gym the usual familiar people. I would say they are all good and respectful people.
Let's leave it to that.

Yesterday the boys went to Taekwondo.

It is a long time I have not seen any pictures of them dressed for sport.

In Bakersfield I  am being left  in a  complete bubble.

You see it is something I should accept but hey there is something I  can  not get over.

My  wife Simona has a very important and demanding job.

She can not focus on the small facts that would make me feel connected to the family

I am frustrated by being left out from many things.

My wife is keeping track of me on her own time scale and priority.

She  is calling me on the phone, when she wishes in the morning when she is taking the kids to school. I pick up make a mental note of their life.

At time she moves on without waiting for me as they are on a timeline for school

O yes myself I survived my brain injury, I went back walking again, I can not yet run or jump perhaps I will be never be able to to it again.

My legs are permanently crooked. The way I walk the way I  put one feet after the other is permanently a reminder of the deficits I have acquired.

Let's stop here ...

I call this picture eat what you like... it is made by me eaten by me and cleaned by myself..
It is most definitely eat what you like

Enjoy the reading

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