Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday September 1 2017

Yesterday morning I had a doctor appointment. I went to the dentist office as a couple of teeth were hurting. Or so it looked to me.

The dentist was at the office of Dr. Jue.

He looked at my teeth.  He took an X-ray image of the ones that were hurting.

After looking at the results he mentioned that there are no cavities.
 He also mentioned that I was brushing my teeth too hard and that my gums were inflamed.

He recommended to be more gentle and to use Sensodyne toothpaste.

I started using the sample he gave me. I can feel the difference already.

So I am applying less force when brushing and be aware of the areas of sensitivity.

I came back at the apartment distributed the schedule for the new week.

I am always distributing the schedule around.

I have not intentionally booked for the movie on Saturday. I like to  spent time in a different way, that is I have different plans.

I rearranged the produce at the apartment.

On the web I have been reading that not all the produce like to be stored in the fridge.

I made space and  moved on the counters a few items.

As I made space in the fridge I moved a few fresh fruits on a less cold section. I hope this will help with keeping it happy.

I cleaned around as always.

I wrote a letter to my family. I like to write to my boys as much as I can.

Normally our eldest Chicco reads it all. 
The youngest Lapo is still too young. 
Yet I am addressing my letter to my family.

Afterward it was time for me to go to the gym.

I had cycle with Cassie. She is a person I am meeting often in the community. At the gym and at church.

She was there with her dad Ron. I met her at church with her grand ma Rose as well.

Anyway I enjoyed my static bike routine.

After cycle it was time for body combat. It is a good routine of exercise where there is a lot of legs and balancing movements.

I can feel it is challenging for me, hence it is working for me. At the gym Lee mentioned that he sees my improvements. I struggle to stay on track, but I  keep going.

After the gym at 7pm it was time to leave and go back.

The usual routine of the evening: shower and a protein shake.

I slept well, without recalling any dreams as always.

Obviously my sleep is induced artificially. I am used to blank out at night.

I take a lot of pills for sleep. Obviously one or several are cutting the pathways in my brain that induces the dreaming activity.

I  only wish I could wake up and remember my dreams. It is the same observations every day.

I wish I could remember my dreams..

Anyway let's move on.

I had money management completed today. This means I got paid. I have $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.

The former is something I working very hard as I am constantly spending more on food.
The latter is something easy for me.
I stopped participating to the movie outing. As the last few time I  felt I was not in control of things.

As I like to be in control, I figure out the easiest way is to stay put.

I use the outing money for church instead. I give the whole $24 at  church. They are use it and they have a lot of good reasons to use it.

Time to eat

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