Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday Sept 21

Yesterday I have been cooking Zucchini risotto.

I  Went to the gym in the evening, body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike
I am increasing my weight slowly at  body pump. Slowly without hurting my body.

It is a nice day getting a bit cold though.

Tomorrow I will  be definitely wearing my long pants.

The kids are fine. This morning Lapo was quite sleepy and wanted to go back to bed again when I called him

At the Homes for Hope I completed my work for a set of certificates of completion.
Barbara helped me a lot and was very patient as always every body is patient with me.

This morning it was my day for the receipt to be turned in to at CNS.

I am done with my office work here at the Homes of Hopes.

It is time for me to go.

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