Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Sept 23

I am writing to you all from the Homes of Hope.

The agency I came here to do office work from Monday to Friday.

It is a nice environment and the people around here are very very kind.

Everybody is helping every body else.

When John is around he blesses the table as the faith is strong in this place.

I like the principles of this institution. I come here very very voluntarily

 Yesterday evening I went to the gym: it was Zumba time with Caroline fun fitness

Next to me Salve in pink, next to Salve you see Caroline with an Orange hat. At the far left Sira.

We all had a good time as always. The music is nice and the environment good.

After Zumba I had spin my spin class with Misty

I could not complete my spin class as a CNS staff came inside the room to pull me out, as if I were not knowledgeable of the rules of the game. She is not supposed to come into the gym where I am working, it is a rule of CNS.

 I am classified as IOP (Independent Operating Patient) I know my program on my finger nail.

Perhaps the staff was not informed of her required place and of her duties. 
Anyway I went back to the apartment and the usual routine of the evening took place.

My breakfast this morning.. a good one.

As it is a cooler temperature I went back to have cooked Oatmeal in the morning.

This morning I had my usual walk at the park near the apartment

The usual flowers next to the apartment

Good morning starts from a good pictures.

I've been briefly at the AAC, I showed to the director of the AAC what happened yesterday with the staff.
I had made a note on my  cell phone.
She has read it and she is going to take care of it.

I started reading the newspapers and went off to come at the Homes of Hope.

Over there they had a movie to watch. I know by heart the activities 

My RTC that takes care of this matter.

She is obviously too high in paygrade to mingle with the quality of the program at CNS.

At the agency I worked on an excel spreadsheet of people that are in a foster parent program.

I  made the list send it to Brandon, showed it to Vianney and destroyed the original hard copy as it is a matter of confidentiality.

Enjoy the reading have a great weekend

Giuseppe Rossi

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