Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday Sept 27

Today I am well, rested and physically fine.

On the internet it is recommended to sleep with a pillow between the knees.
It is used to align the spinal cord.
 I tried last night and I can already feel the difference this morning.
My back is fine and the pain significantly reduced.

I have been battling back pain for a long time. It is my fault as at the gym I must have strained my back by charging it too much. Since then I have been trying to stay light so that not to compromise my back.

In the morning I had a good walk at the park. Pushing my morning walk in the open to enjoy the day.
It is a hot day already. Today is the hottest day of the week. The cooling trend is going to start tomorrow. It is forecast that by Saturday it will be 76F

The local flowers are always a good subject to capture in the morning

As the weather is perfect nature is thriving.

Even at the apartment the basil in my balcony is growing strong and happy.

I am keeping it moist with water and soaked with water infused by tobacco from a cigarette I had somewhere. 
It is a simple natural remedy to keep the little bugs away from the plant.

This morning I had a good and healthy breakfast

NPR is busy talking and analyzing yesterday Presidential Debate.

It is the first of a set of three  leading into the Presidential Election.

Yesterday evening I watched this CNN program rather than going to the gym.
An interesting debate that shows the difference of personality between the candidates.

A CNN poll later concluded that the debate had a net winner.

There are different styles and substances.

As I was watching this program very closely I did not go to the gym

I instead spent my time cooking. I prepared grilled eggplant. I sliced it into thin slices and cooked on a hot pan. Each slice requires a few minutes of contact on a hot pan.

I finely chopped the garlic. Also I cut some fresh basil that I took from my balcony.

I layered the cooked eggplant with garlic and basil and let it soaking  with  olive Oil.
 It is going to be ready in a couple of  days.

I received a letter from my mom in Italy.

Yesterday the kids were busy at Taekwondo.

Simona was busy doing a qualifying exam at Caltech.

Everybody is busy as always.

The kids are fine with Simona.

She is taking are of the house while I am gone.
It has been this routine for the past  years, as I have been gone for  four  years.

It is OK, I am working on my rehabilitation program.
Right now my physical rehabilitation is what is at stake.

I  am busy doing some activity by myself.  This is the way I like to be handled.
I am a IOP (Independently Operating Patient)

Yet I am in a structured environment that provides me activities during the day.

At the AAC I have well defined activities.

Typically In the morning I wait for everybody to be settled in and I read the newspapers.

Then at 11am I sign out from the clinic and come at the Homes of Hope.

Here at the Home of Hope I have  a variety of tasks to accomplish. A Some time I worked on tasks that  are needed for the Agency.

Other time I am free to work on my own activity.

The key is to stay busy.

As always I bring stickers to all the kids of the center.
It is a small gesture that makes me happy and makes them happy.

Lately I received Halloween stickers and I am bring it to the kids.

I know that kids love stickers and every day there is a new batch for them.

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