Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Sept 30

It is a Friday, last day of September

It is a mild temperature weather, Not too hot

The morning is a bit chilly while it warms up during the days.

The kids are fine they where going to school as always.

I called them as always before them leaving for their day.

For breakfast they had a Nutella cake that Anna had prepared for them.

My breakfast: Oatmeal, cereal, blueberry and fresh fruit.  A lot of milk and coffee.

Simona is taking care of the family by herself as her family member is leaving. Simona and the family  will go back to be the usual members.

The situation here is that I am getting impatient to figure out what to do.
I just read my written program and could not notice that there are a few mistakes here and there.

Perhaps a corrected and updated version would be appropriate.

It is perhaps the fact that I am better than the paper it is written upon.

I am getting very impatient to figure out a lot of things...

For instance I am  not doing anything at the AAC regarding my driving capabilities.
Obviously they do not care nor they are in any hurry to make me drive again. Obviously there is a dynavision old machine (it is supposed to help the driving). The room is constantly taken by patient J. He made it his own office, he reads he sits there the whole day regardless of its original purpose.

Let's go back to driving therapy. If the plan were a different one I would have been communicated otherwise. As nobody cared to discuss it in any form or shape I am obviously feeling left out from the much needed conversation.

Let's focus on the flower anyway... Giuseppe likes to take snapshot of the flowers.

Wrong... I have nothing to do but to take these pictures.

This is the picture I like to take. The park near the apartment so that I can show the rotation of my torso and the steadiness of my hands.

Good job for being such a consistent patient. 

I feel I have done noting in my life to deserve this faith. It is a fact that personally I have done nothing to get injured. Only a sad faith happened to me. In my opinion it is a very sarcastic joke.

I was a healthy person, I was a responsible person and a person that used to be informed before..

I just read my program. it is the copy I have at the AAC. My assessment  is that this is an outdated and inconsistent paper. There is nothing written on it that it worth reporting to you.

Hence my thought regarding the so called CNS program is less that stellar.

I am disappointed as I get disappointed every time I see a job that does not pass my personal test...

I used to take care of my customers in the best way they wished.

Perhaps this is as much as far as CNS goes...I should lower my bar while at CNS meaning lower my expectation.

I am obviously  pleasantly displeased. I want to be left alone as I am used to do things by myself.

By the way how I am feeling?

Let's see how well I am feeling left on the staircase of the Homes of Hope like a real beggar to wait for Transportation to show up like the other day. Let's review the therapeutic value of siting on the stair in a dodgy place of downtown Bakersfield. Believe me I  am not bling, I notice all the local population, the run down building, the wood sheets nailed to the windows of the abandoned buildings.

I notice all this Third World look. It is rough, I bet it is as rough as the parts of LA that are rough,

Yesterday activity of a Thursday.

First and above all at CNS as I am an active patient I compiled the Grocery Shopping List for Saturday morning. As a patient to CNS you have to give the list at the reception so it is known what  you are eating. Call it leaving free. They want know everything believe me.

Well this is a rule of CNS and as I am part of the Assisted Living Program I have to do it.

The reality is that nobody ever cook for me, nobody takes care of cleaning for me. It is called in the local language being an IOP (Individual Operating Patient)

Well it is the usual activity of the Thursday: gym.. Zumba and Cycle with Misty

Kind of  enjoying taking class over there. I am taking the ones I like while the one I don't I leave it there.
By the way CNS has started taking me to the gym with a guys that tend to be a bit off as all the population of CNS. He likes to do things I don't necessarily share nor would do it myself.

Enjoy the day.. Getting out from AAC as  today there is a movie.

Not here to watch the movie...  enjoy

At AAC I got my vital data taken.

For lunch here at the Homes of Hope Vianney made popusas

It is a typical food from Salvador.
I  had a couple with pickled cabbage, and spicy pimento sauce.

I really enjoyed the food. the popusas where hand made. Really good food.

I called Simona who was working at Caltech. I called her in the early afternoon as before she had a faculty meeting. At 1:30pm she was back in her office.
She told me that she knew what the popusas is like. I am always underestimating my wife's knowledge.

So today I have not been eating the lunch that I had brought with me.
It will be put at good use for dinner.

The plan for later today is to go to the gym, enduring the consequential company that ensures with this activity.

Today the kids are going to play tennis 

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