Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday July 31

Alright, let's start from the beginning.
Yesterday I cleaned the apartment. As Levi keeps telling me to come at the center early in the morning I thought it was good to spit evenly the job so that Levi works in the morning at the clinic and I work i the evening in my apartment. It is a fair exchange of  work.

After cleaning I  have cooked a nice chicken tender that I have been marinating a couple of days, I have been preparing a very good Caesar salad, Giuseppe's style with spinach and tomatoes. A good shepherding dinner for summer time.

After dinner I went to the 24 fitness gym . Over there it is my second house.
I did  cycle with Angie, she was expecting me to show up and she had reserved a cycle for me. At the gym we snapped this picture together as I have a new shorter hair cut. I proposed to her to snap a funny picture and she gladly complied with my request.
She mentioned her son is fine. You see at the gym everybody complies gladly with my requests.

I have also greeted the gym Manager  Naomi, Lydian and Carlos they both work at the reception.

Afterward I started doing body pump with Silvia, I used some good weights this time, so I did not hurt myself,.

At the gym I met Drashdee, she was back after a long time. She mentioned the hurt herself.
At the gym I met Gloria, Richard, Pani, Alex and many other friends of Bakersfield.
At the gym Soni did my coverage. Soni is always ready to go to the extra mile. So I acknowledge his work gladly. For the time being Soni is in charge of our bicycle, he keeps it clean and locked as if it were his own. :)

This morning I called home and found our kids over there.
They are both off school and on vacation. They will start again on the 12th of August.
Chicco will be going to IV grade and Lapo to Kindergarten. They both keep growing.
Chicco is going to Chess camp while Lapo is  staying home with Marina our nanny.

This morning I have watered my flowers as usual: they are for Simona my wife

I had a good and healthy breakfast with my family picture in front of me.

 Ready to ramble.

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.
Stay well and may God Bless you all.

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