Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday September 1 2014 LABOR DAY

First of all happy Labor day to all of you.

I found in my computer some pictures of our family.
Foremost this is Chicco , our eldest son, when he was a few months old.
I am saying this  is Chicco as Lapo our youngest has blue eyes.

In the picture below we have Andrea with Chicco. Andrea is my brother in law, that is is Simona's brother.

In this picture is me (long hair like Dustin) and Marie-France. Marie-France is Marco's wife.

Marco is a good friend of mine. He is living in Paris, France with his family.

This is our family right now.
Standing next to me is Chicco and closer to Chicco is Lapo.
What a difference!

Lapo is now 5 while chicco is 8. Lapo attends Kindergarten while Chicco is in IV grade. 

They both goes to La Canada Elementary (LCE) school. It is a very good public school in La Canada.
La Canada is the town were we leave. It is located 11 miles north of Pasadena in the Los Angeles Area. It is a couple of hours drive from Bakersfield.
Originally we purchased our house in La Canada because of the very good public school system. So our kids are happy attending Public School over there. Their teachers are really good and the class room size is small compered to other Public schools. Beside the good school atmosphere and the good support from the local families makes it a nearly ideal school to attend.

Yesterday it was Sunday and we went to the S. Francis catholic church here in Bakersfield. I really like going there as it is always an uplifting experience for me. Yesterday Gabi drove us over there. Therefore I am thanking her for her precious work, I am much appreciated for her work.

At church aside from the  people from the local community, I greeted Amparo and Mark. They both sing at Church. I am doing my best to follow them suit. Yesterday they sang a song in Latin. I did recognize it as it is the same song I use to sing in church back when I was in Italy.

At church I also sat down with Coral and her sibling.  It has become customary for me to seat with her. Afterward before leaving  she greeted me and told me "see you next week Joseph".

Well I am always grateful as God makes me meeting very good people in the surrounding community.

After mass and outside the S.Francis church I snapped this picture of the Fiat 500 that it is a price for the church raffle. I did not buy the tickets for the raffle, as our kids don't fit in this car. Perhaps when Chicco is ready to drive in a few years we will think about him first.

Today's breakfast has been a very happy meal!

With Chicco Happy Side up owl shape for my eggs it was a very fulfilling and  healthy experience.
And  course I had breakfast with my family, Simona above all, then  Sarah my wonderful Case Manager at CNS. Their picture is always with me. I fully trust everybody at CNS, Simona, Sara and all the therapists that have the best interest in getting me back in my feet again.

I know  for instance that Sarah  is always watching over me, so I express my gratitude to her, once more.
Together with Sarah, Simona is my strongest advocate as she is always cheering me up and make sure I am doing the right thing.

As we are talking about food, yesterday I have been preparing a wonderful Tilapia filet with crumbled bread. The fish was seasoned with both Orange and Lemon juice. You see in order to be a chef you have to cook like a chef. Normally I cook with whatever I found available in the house. If I lack something, it is alright, I go ahead without it. Next time I will have it. Yesterday for instance I was missing capers so next tine I will add capers to my recipes. I guarantee to you the Tilapia was worthy of the effort no matter the capers content. :)

Early this morning I called my son Chicco at home, and found he was asleep. So I sent him back to bed. He was happy to sleep for a bit longer. My wife Simona mention that during the weekend I should let them sleep a big longer.
 It is alright, next time I will wait a bit longer.

Afterward I called my mom in Italy. She is enjoying her vacation at the sea-side in Fano, Italy. It is our vacation spot at the beach in the central part of Italy.  Over there my mom  has a vacation house because it belonged to my grandparents who originally got it from their family. The house has originally two fully separated apartment and it went trough a bit of changes since the last time I saw it. As my grandparent passed away, the house  had to be split between my mom and her brother. It is a bit of a long story but anyway my mom got the smallest apartment of the house. It is alright as our family, that is my brother and I don't go there any longer. I am sure it is going to be alright. Anyway the larger apartment belongs to my mom's brother.

My mom told me that the weather in Fano is variable, with days of sunshine and days of low clouds. She is going to the beach everyday and she is enjoying her staying. The fact that the weather is not that great dos not bug her at all. well she feels she is spending some good time, reading the books she got from the local library. Also she is enjoying the few activities that are organizing over there for the tourists. Little local celebration that brings together the people from the surrounding communities.
Anyway my mom was telling me that my brother Francesco and his wife are back at home in Verona.

Simona my wife just called me to tell me they will be here around 1:30pm.

I need to prepare my bag to stay home 1 day. She has mentioned to me that it is really hot even in La Canada so I don't need to bring with me any long pans.
Anyway it is all good, for today.

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